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5 Natural Remedies to Fight Sickness


      Too many times, folklore medicine has gone ignored or has been undermined by continuously advancing healthcare. If were sick or in pain, we immediately turn to our doctor for the latest cough medicine and pills, the best thing that will get rid of our cold and flus as soon as possible. But we frequently forget that when we become sick, our bodies need the strength to fight off the virus, but if were missing the nutrients our bodies need, the healing process will take longer.


         There are many natural remedies you can purchase at your very own grocery store or market, and can cost as little as 5$. Stop spending 20 -30$ on flavoured cough medicine and hard to swallow pills, with the false promise of fast-relief from all symptoms. Try these 5, natural at-home remedies for common cold and flu symptoms that will have you feeling 10 times better than any poorly advertised medicine will!



Ginger Root


         Ginger has been known for centuries as a natural medicine for many different symptoms, and has now been scientifically proven to have curative properties. A few pieces or slices of cut up raw ginger root in boiled water or tea can help soothe a sore throat or cough, and research suggests it can help fight off nausea.




         Garlic has been said to actually help prevent you from getting sick, warding off harmful bacteria and viruses if you add garlic supplements to your everyday diet. When sick, it can help fight off multiple symptoms of cold and flu if added to your food or meal, helping clear sinuses.


Vitamin C


         You cant get any more natural than vitamin C, but believe it or not, we lack it pretty heavily. We get vitamin C from the sun, it is the biggest source on the planet, but thanks to advancing technology recent younger generations are spending less time outside. Luckily, there are many other ways we can still get the large amount of vitamin C our immune systems need when dealing with diseases and viruses. Fruits such as limes, lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are great examples of other sources; add a bit of lemon or lime to hot tea, with honey and ginger root with help clear up both your throat and sinuses, helping with any sore throats or sinus infections.




         Honey is another great natural remedy for a sore throat and cough, especially for children and at night. A few drops of honey, added with a bit of lemon, in boiled water or tea is an effective suppressant. Researchers have suggested that giving a child around 10 grams of honey at bedtime can help reduce the severity of cough symptoms; whos to say that doesnt work for children at heart as well! (Never give honey to a child younger than 1 year old)


Epsom Salts


         This is a popular ingredient used in a lot of new bath and shower products such as bath bombs, bubble bars and many other natural soaps. If you add a couple handfuls of Epsom salts to a lukewarm bath and soak in it for at least 5 minutes, the natural salts in the water will help soothe and relax your muscles, taking away a few of the aches and pains our bodies develop from colds and flus. The steam from the warm water mixed with the salts will also help clear sinuses and stuffy noses.



Those are just a few of the many natural remedies our wonderful mother Earth has to offer us. Can you think of anymore? What other remedies do you know? Share them below!


Here are a couple links to some more ideas of natural home remedies to cure and prevent sickness and get back to feeling healthy and happy.




I have had a passion for literature since the day Dr. Seuss started to make sense. Healthy living is just one of the many other strong passions I have, and combining two great passions is living what I believe is a fulfilled life. Walk through my arranged blogs on the joy and knowledge of healthy living!