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Drawing Dog

This week is movie week! This means this post had to have to movie attached to it. But what would my blog show, as it is all about learning to draw. I decided to learn two things this week: I would learn how to draw a dog, and would learn how to film myself doing it, and then edit it, convert it, and upload it to YouTube so I could embed it here in my blog, for your viewing pleasure!

The dog was tricky, because the first thing I had to do was pick a breed of dog, and since each breed is different and presented a different drawing challenge, the choice became a challenge in itself. Knowing that whatever likely drawn would only ever be a rough approximation of the dog - due to a lack of experience - and that it is more important that I get basic proportions correct, I settled on an English Pointer (seen below), which seemed like a dog with relatively simple lines.

Still bad at drawing ovals and circles by eye, I would suggest anyone to use geometry tools if they're not innately gifted at drawing (I also found this sometime after I drew this). I used these as guides for creating the basic shapes of the dog and its stance. It was a struggle to get  the perspective on the far legs of the dog; I spent a few minutes just trying to line them up. I then erased the guide ovals and drew in the basics of the dog's form: nose, ears, eyes, toes. You can try to express things like fur ruffs, but this would probably be easier if you were going to draw a dog in colour and could better express shading. I managed to do a decent job of this - the Pointer's ears could be bigger, but it looked okay anyway I had also made an attempt with charcoal, and although it was less messy than before, one thing that became apparent was that I had pressed too hard with the pencil in the guide ovals - they can be seen as white impressions after the dog is filled in with black. This also made any expression of shading a little difficult, although you can make out that I had intended to keep the the lower 'sleeves' of the dog and its belly lighter than the rest of the dog. Perhaps I would steer clear of the charcoal. It seems like a good idea, but it seems I either overuse it or use it in ways that make it difficult to express a larger variation in shading. I had a lot of fun drawing this, and felt, perhaps for the first time, that I could actually have a lot of fun trying to draw different breeds and sizes of dogs.