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Welsh Myths: The Secret Ingredient for Tourists.

This images shows a man and a woman sitting on a hay bale watching a performance. This picture was taken by Clem Onojeghuo.

Knowledge is an incentive. We humans can be easily tempted when metaphorical honey is offered. In Wales, they have beautiful fields and wonderful hiking paths, for some, that is the most tasteful honey in Wales. But what about stories? 

Storytelling is rich in Welsh history, and their stories and myths are widely known. Knowing those stories when going to festivals or plays would only brighten the experience for a tourist. Learning the myths and adventures of the places you visit can boost your travel experience. Culture and countries that embrace their tales encourage more tourism, which offers more exposure to both.

One of the most popular welsh Arthurian legends is Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, which is in the form of a poem. It’s a poem that details a courageous honourable knight that a beautiful married woman tempts into a romance. Gawayne is reactive of King Arthur, and in welsh legends, he is thought to be  inspired by the Celtic Solar deity.

Conversely , in Wales, there are many festivals and one festival that combines music, storytelling, and history is the Hay festival. The Hay festival is a literary spring festival with many speakers, it encourages creatives and community. Festivals are great for both locals and tourists. Knowing the territory's myths can feel like you're being let into an inside joke that everyone around you knows. If someone is interested in history, European history, in particular, it can be intimidating, so starting on one territory would be less all-encompassing. But not everyone is interested in history; using that history to make or understand a story is handy. Using historical events to promote tourism is terrific, but it's not appealing to everyone. So, looking to past myths can compensate for the lack of interest in history. Knowing the history and myths of countries when attending a festival will only serve to help you.

Myths are influenced by history and the imagination of storytellers, so the stories in Wales are delicious. There is a convenient book that transcribed many legends from Wales, written in the 11th century, called Mabinogion. The book put to paper 11 oral tales widely known in Wales. The book includes 11 stories, some of romance and others of Arthurian legend, written by anonymous authors. Since the tales were changed from oral to written, there are many strategies to engage the audience, like strong narration and repetition. These legends are a piece of history while also being a piece of entertainment. The Mabinogian is highly influential in the Literary history of Wales and its myths.

Myths can enrich one's traveling experience, but they could also inspire young writers to create and interpret new stories.In regard to the Hay festivals; the goal is to entertain and inspire storytellers of all ages while also being a fun week for the family. The Hay festival is in Hay-on-Wye, and its purpose is to be an 11 day function for the creative.Whether you’re a comedian or a poet you’ll find events for you.

This image show the famous Conwy Castle located in Wales. This picture was taken by Lisa Fotios.

Other inspiration can come from being in new and rich locations. For example, when visiting, tourists can see all different types of abandoned castles and envision the castles of Arthurian legends. Or tourists can look upon the fields and caverns and think of TWM SIÔN CATI, the Welsh Robin Hood, and all his exploits in the medieval ages.

One could explore Wales, look for the caves in Wales and feel as though they are in a magical story themselves. Standing where legends were told can be powerful for a person's mind and creative experience.

The past myths can and will influence us to say great things, explore wondrous places and discover ourselves.Visiting festivals encouraging knowledge of the country in all its many adventures is the best idea for a life-changing experiences.

Alyssa’s a college student who wants to travel but is broke, so she'll do some research to live vicariously through others on the internet. She reads to feel emotions when she has free time and then eats ice cream to process her sorrow, even though she is lactose intolerant.