Call of Duty Ghosts
Call of Duty Ghosts was once a game for these who wanted an extreme thrill, but in the last few years has died off. Today, I am going to talk to you about the one player gameplay, playing with friends, and the Team Deathmatch mode.
If you are looking for a mode that will be solely focused on your character, then this mode is for you! It starts off with a guy and his family and the house blows up and he tells the family to leave the area but as he’s chasing them, they disappear. When I played this for the first time it took me a few tries because a fog came over the screen making it seem like a ghost was there so when you are playing this be patient. The mode gets more interesting as you progress because you enter into the army to fight the ghosts. The game has various kinds of missions for you to complete, and like any single player mode you always have the option of customizing your character. When I played this game, I would finish the whole thing and redo it on a higher difficulty to make it fun.
The second mode in Call of Duty Ghosts that I enjoyed was the multiplayer mode. If you have your friends over, they can play with you. This is underrated mode in my option because it made for hours of fun and competition. The one downside in this mode is the loading time. To go from loading screen to playing, takes a few minutes so if you want to play this don’t expect to be able to hop in right away. I liked this mode because it forces you to strategize and be able to collaborate with your team to win the game.
Team Deathmatch mode was a favourite of mine but one I had struggled with because in this mode you are in teams, and you have to see how many people you can kill before time is up. It creates a great adrenaline rush because you are in a time crunch, but I don’t think the mode does enough with the AI teammates and the bots on the other team. Your teammates don’t help you and the AI on the other team is often too powerful they could hit you in one shot when it would take several times for you to get them down. Plus, their aim is perfect, while yours is off which results in you being on the losing end.
While I think that Call of duty ghosts is a great game, it lacks in several areas. That being said, when this game came out, we didn’t have the technology we do today and that has a factor in it as well. I think if they fixed some bug issues with the loading screens, focusing more on letting the player make choices in single player, and making the AI bots more on a human level, I think the game would become better and attract more people to play it.
Hi, my name is Paige and I have been playing games since I was about 10 years old or younger. Some of the games I am playing currently are NHL and MLB the show. Other games I have played in the past include the Walking Dead, Nascar, Ghost of Tsushima, and Call of Duty. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!