Back 4 Blood and Left 4 Dead, what's new?

Is Back 4 Blood really something new or just a remastered left 4 dead?

Back 4 Blood is a game developed by Turtle Rock Studios and published by Warner Brothers.

If you were looking for more Left 4 Dead, then look no further. Sure, Back 4 Blood might have more objectives and a new gameplay, but it feels more like a large Left 4 Dead DLC rather than a unique zombie game.

The game has a huge emphasis on ADS, but a lot of guns can be hip fired. The weapon feedback is good, but i had to spend a lot of time adjusting the settings just to find a comfortable controller sensitivity. Everything felt slow and clunky.


Character movement feels quick enough to make you feel competent, but also restrict enough to make some encounters or bad positioning feel pretty dangerous.

The game feels like it needs some strategy and preparation for some levels but sometimes it feels like it doesn’t matter because the game will throw chaos right into your lap. For example, the game spawns multiple enemies from thin air, or lets you fortify an area so the enemy comes from the side that you didn’t need to fortify.

The biggest differences


Its not to say the game isn’t good, I have been enjoying my time with it and there is different mechanics from its predecessor.

The card system is the biggest thing that separates the two games, it allows the player to build a character and play any way they want.

You can choose up to 15 cards some of them can give you boosts to your health, reload speed and more. This system allows you to take on the zombie horde in a way that feels best for you, which is awesome.

The apocalypse (which this time around feels like the apocalypse) is hard to deal with even in the easier difficulty or levels, Classic B4B is harder than any extreme L4D level; there are more enemies to deal with and ammo and healing items are extremely hard to come by. The player can even mess up and call the zombie horde upon everyone.

The final thing is how modernized it feels, and I don’t mean in just a graphic way. Back 4 Blood lets you climb, sprint, and vault, and it even has aim down sight, things we didn’t have in Left 4 Dead.

As I said before the game seems like a remastered version of Left 4 Dead but that does not mean the game is not fun. As a matter of fact I am having fun with it, and it’s definitely an apocalyptic game any flesh-eating zombie lover will enjoy.


João Victor most commonly known as JV, is a Brazilian writer and musician who currently lives in Ottawa. He loves Basketball, good vibes and sleeps way too much. Twitter: @blognotfortnite