Hybrid Creatures in Fantasy

The word “hybrid” is defined as the offspring of two separate species, created through breeding. There are both plants and animals in the real world that are known to be hybrids, such as the Liger and Beefalo. The plantain and clementine are also hybrids, but of the plant variety.

However, in the world of fantasy the possibilities are nearly endless for the creation of hybrid species. We have things like Gryphons, fearsome yet noble beasts that often have the body, tail, and hind legs of a lion, yet with an eagle's head, wings, and legs as forelimbs. 

Then we have the Minotaur, a half human, half bull hybrid. Originally, this creature was conceived as part of Greek mythology. In most fantasy genres however, the Minotaur is known to be a violent and angry creature. This is due to the roots of the creature in its original myth. 

The beast itself is both guardian and prisoner of the Labyrinth of Crete. Built and designed to keep the Minotaur within, so that it was unable to wreak havoc on the outside world. Those who roam into the labyrinth are likely to die at the creature’s hands and then be consumed, for it enjoys killing and eating its victims.

In the world of Warhammer Fantasy, the Minotaur is a subspecies of the race known as Beastmen. An evil race known for the rabid, seething hatred of civilization and all things aligned with order. These Minotaur’s share a fair bit of the Greek vibe, being angry and filled with violence, but taken a step further.

In Warhammer Fantasy, Minotaur’s are often 12 feet in height, and equally as broad due to their heavily muscled bodies. While not as intelligent as the average beastman, they make up for this with their hot temper, incredible strength, and an insatiable desire to consume the blood and flesh of the recently slain. 

In particular, human blood and flesh. 


The Minotaur of Warhammer originates in what can be called the first age of the world. A great catastrophe fell upon the world, which resulted in horrific amounts of destruction and mutation brought about by magic. Such a catastrophe spawned the Beastmen race itself, including the Minotaur. They are creatures that embody the worst traits of humans, and of beasts.

Last but not least, we have the Satyr, who are a bit of a comedic relief in Greek mythology. Being creatures that are half goat, and half human, they are a form of nature spirit which embodies mischief and lust. These creatures are known to be wild and untamed, but always seek to seduce and bed both mortal women and their twin race, the nymphs.


The Satyr’s in the Warcraft Universe have a bit of an interesting history, for they are not simply nature spirits, but corrupted and accursed elves who were either forced to agree or willingly agreed to a pact with demonic powers. They are insidious and sadistic, delighting only in wreaking havoc and destroying all that life holds precious.

Whether in the fantasy world or in the real world, Hybrid creatures are more often than not described as creatures which we must separate ourselves from.

 The Minotaur represents violence and anger, something that has often caused humans to make highly unreasonable choices. 

The Satyr represents lust and mischief, and lust can easily break happy relationships between one another. 

In the end, Hybrids are almost a reflection of the bad side of human instinct. They take us back to our most basic and instinctive desires as living creatures.

Conor Bruce

Conor is an aspiring professional writer. Interested in a variety of genres from fantasy, science fiction, and action. In his free time he often reads, enjoys a video game or two, and writes his various ideas on the side.