/Ok – confession time. I haven’t simply been looking at easy ways to get healthy since September. I’ve been looking for easy diet solutions for many years, and I’ve come to consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject.
I’ve written about drinking water, staying away from carbs, using a calorie counter app, and using short Youtube videos as easy ways to get healthy. I’ve told you the positives and negatives regarding these tricks, but overall none of them are sufficient enough to provide serious weight-loss or health results on their own, at least not for the lazy, such as myself.
Now comes the time for the cold hard truth. There is no easy way to achieve major weight-loss or to drastically improve your health. As much as many of us would like to believe, we are never going to have, “rock hard abs in under 10 minutes!”
That doesn’t mean your weight-loss or health journey has to be miserable. If you find something that you love to do, getting healthier may not be easy but it will be enjoyable. There are so many activities out there waiting to be explored. Maybe you love to cook and will learn to love creating new healthy recipes. Maybe you love the outdoors and will begin to enjoy biking. Maybe the gym will even become your friend, as crazy as it sounds. Maybe you aren’t as lazy as you think; you just haven’t found your passion yet.
Now, that isn’t to say that what I’ve told you isn’t useful. When you do find the activity that speaks to you, I invite you to try implementing some of the tricks I’ve written about. On their own they aren’t too successful, but when combined with a healthy lifestyle they will surely accelerate your health goals. They also serve another purpose – inspiration. Through writing this blog, I’ve been inspired to intensify my health journey, and if I can do it, you can too.
Now go on, find the activity you love, but most importantly learn to love you, no matter what shape or size. Because I’m going to tell you something, you (yeah, you) are awesome, laziness aside.
Allyson Knappers
Allyson Knappers is a second year student of the Professional Writing Program, and a native to the Ottawa area. Although a seemingly quiet young woman, Allyson loves to find the humor in life, and prefers to spend most of her time laughing with her friends. Allyson has an assortment of random interests, the most prominent of course, writing.
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