Everyone Listen to Matt Damon


It is becoming a little safer to talk about conspiracy theories, just do not make the mistake of calling them that.

I have spent my time in the online rabbit hole, listening to Alex Jones and David Icke. Only I was reluctant to talk to anyone about it, for fear of being branded as a tin-foil hat wearer. 

It has been hard to make sense of things, between the mainstream media that still holds some merit and the free dialog on the Internet.

I have struggled to find the right way to discuss topics like: the NSA scandal, 9/11, and government oppression. What I do know however is not to start from the disposition that: “Everything you think is wrong!” Because I really do not know either, but that is exactly what makes it worth discussing.

I can attribute my reluctance to talk about conspiracy theories to a kind of civil obedience. Matt Damon has reminded me why this is not such a good thing:

How about them apples.

I had watched this video three times before I noticed that Matt Damon is not the author (Go ahead and laugh). Howard Zinn wrote this speech, some 43 years ago. It is suffice to say things have not changed much, and they probably won’t so long as we are afraid to speak out.

Damon was not the first celeb to catch me by surprise.  Last summer Kanye West released his single We The New Slaves, effectively breaking his allegiance to our Reptilian Overlords.

In an attempt to go viral, this video was first released by being projected onto buildings across US cities. Call it a publicity stunt, and it is. But there is a kind of terrifying truth behind the ominous instrumentals of the song with Kanya’s voice declaring: “I know that we the new slaves.”

On a more traditional medium, Joe Rogan and Rosie O’Donnell discussed 9/11 conspiracy on her TV show. In this clip, they discuss the t-shirt inspiring controversy surrounding Building 7.  On the more extreme spectrum, Roseanne Barr does not hold back with her belief that  Hollywood is run by mind control. Is this the ramblings of another broken celebrity? 

As much as we love celebrities  we also do a fine job cutting them down. Like it or not, celebrities have the power to get us to buy things, vote in elections, and sometimes actually do some good.


Michael Myers

Michael is a misplaced Trent Business Administration grad exploring Buddhism.  He has recently traded in a career in accounting for a student card and a student budget. His other interests include: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Graphic Design. In this blog he will explore the bizarre and the profound at various Buddhist temples in Ottawa.


Stopping for Buddhism


It is hard to get comfortable, sitting on the cushion on the laminate fake-hardwood floor. There is room for a 100 in this large office space, but tonight there are only 15, of us in attendance. “Tuck your legs under your pelvis, imagine there is a string running through your spine extending to the ceiling,” the instructor suggests, sitting on an elevated platform in front of us. Now properly seated, our goal is to stop: Stop fidgeting, stop adjusting your butt, stop sniffling, stop scratching, stop looking at the clock and stop worrying that you are a couple classes away from being in a cult. These were some of the thoughts that crossed my mind sitting in Shambhala Buddhist Centre in Ottawa.

What brought us to the Buddhist centre that night was a little different for each of us. A war veteran wanted help coming to terms with battle images that haunted his mind. Another woman sought to quell the stress that comes with being a receptionist. A young couple was there to “get in touch with their spiritual sides,” as they told us.

To the uninformed – or just plain uninterested – Buddhism is tantamount to worshiping a statue of an overweight man. At least, this was my early interpretation.

Perhaps the confusion about Buddhism stems from the fact that Buddhists do not worship a God or creator; in fact, Buddhists are rather indifferent to this concept. The starting point in Buddhism is that we are already filled with delusions. The purpose of meditation is to purify these thoughts. With enough practice, one can be rid of delusions completely, by reaching a state called enlightenment. According to Buddhism, this is the only way to know the true nature of reality. Buddhists also believe that there is no satisfaction in materialism, in complete contrast to our consumer culture.

Were there any enlightened beings hiding in Ottawa? I set out to find devout practitioners. I wanted to know if they were in fact happier than the rest of us.

Unlike other places of worship, Buddhist centres do not stand out in cities. Many are tucked away in office buildings, as is the Buddhist Centre where I met Lynn.

On the way up the stairs, I catch the second of the three signs asking you to “please take off your shoes.”  Lynn is about the age when women decide to cut their hair short. In one fell swoop, Lynn brought me up to speed to where she was at in her life: “Get a job, get married, get a house. I was missing the whole point.” For Lynn and her now ex-husband, getting a graffiti-removers company off the ground consumed their lives. “He knew the product, and I ran everything else.” The death of the family dog was the first omen in Lynn’s life that things were slowly turning for the worst. Soon after, her brother died, and things began to feel “off” with her husband. “I guess when you do not get love at home you start looking for it in other places,” Lynn said, her eyes sad as she reflected on the breaking point of her marriage. Starting over for Lynn was an opportunity to let go.

With her defunct marriage and old life behind her Lynn had that realization that: “We grasp onto external things for our happiness,” With this she had the idea to become a Buddhist monk if they let her. “55 is the cutoff age, after that you are too old, and they do not want you,” she joked.

There is no age limit though to becoming a certified yoga instructor though, and after Lynn received her certification she began teaching yoga to cancer patients. “I believe yoga has curative properties that have not been explored.”

Before her interest in yoga and Buddhism, Lynn claimed she had an addiction to self-help books. “I bought everything,” she told me, “but Tony Robbins was just was not cutting it.” Given the 10.4-billion-dollar self-help industry, it is evident that Lynn was not alone in her search for a better life.

Self-help products aside, there are products to help us look better, smell better, and feel better. I felt that familiar mild excitement walking into Bayshore Mall in Ottawa to find Buddhism books for research. I felt the buzz of possibility tingle with my first steps on the tile. The engineered smells of Cinnabon and Starbucks promise a trademarked treat you could never replicate. I imagine: sliding on a crisp new pair of shoes, holding a weighty tablet computer with a stunning display and puncturing the cellophane on product x and inhaling its newness. Only a student budget cannot afford any of the above, and before I get to the bookstore I already feel the crash. Wave after wave of indifferent faces, mothers dragging bags and crying children, young salesmen with too much cologne and saleswomen with too much make up, the equally rehearsed interactions between cashiers and consumers. Leaving, I hope meeting a Buddhist monk can purify me in some way.

Walking into Joyful Land Buddhist Centre in Ottawa, I was greeted by contractor there to do kitchen renovations. He seemed right at home with Kelsang, whose yellow and maroon robe caught me by surprise. A tall, pale man in his 40s, Kelsang exudes an aura of calm authority.

“We think we’re so smart.” Kelsang explained the unpopularity of religion, as we sat in the foyer. He did not absolve himself from this claim, “I used to inject my psychology background into my Buddhist lectures only to find they were detracting from the true message in Buddhism,“ Kelsang admitted. The new resident monk at Joyful Land Buddhist Centre, Kelsang studied for 10 years before becoming ordained in 2011. Before Buddhism, Kelsang worked for nearly 15 years as a psychotherapist. “Psychotherapy works well,” he explained, “but only temporarily.”

Kelsang’s transition to Buddhism was not sparked by crises like Lynn’s; instead it was gradual, albeit a little too gradual for his liking, “If I have to be reborn as a human again, I pray not to waste so much time! [I’ve] learned that temporary liberation is not enough, that is what I mean when I say I was wasting my time.”

Kelsang is also not wasting his time on material goods, as he explained our insatiable desire to buy, “When you buy CDs, you need a CD rack …you need a car to go buy things, you need a bigger house to keep all your things.” I asked him what advice he would have for anyone caught in this cycle. “Take out all your stuff and lay it out in front of you and ask: Have any of these things made me happier?” My answer was a reluctant no.

It is not that I did not believe Kelsang, but something keeps his point from sinking in completely. A lifetime of being bombarded with advertising was the main culprit, I thought. If only it were so simple. In fact, it’s more simple than that, as Kelsang explained, “It is all in the mind.”

If only it was easy to make time for our minds. Driving to Shambhala, I saw billboards, heard radio commercials and was diverted by my cellphone as I drove by others in the same mindless stream.

I had to go out of my way to stop moving, stop thinking, and stop searching – to just stop. Sitting silently with these strangers at Shambhala, I am able to take note of my judgmental thoughts, glancing down at my feet, I acknowledge that I am here too: Driving on the same roads, walking in the same malls, and dealing with the same kinds of problems. We all came to take a pause --not to forget-- and just sit with it all. “Come back to your breath,” we are reminded. I know it is worth coming back

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Michael is a misplaced Trent Business Administration grad exploring Buddhism.  He has recently traded in a career in accounting for a student card and a student budget. His other interests include: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Graphic Design. In this blog he will explore the bizarre and the profound at various Buddhist temples in Ottawa.

The Mindful Word / The Mindful World Contributions / Related Blogs

What Are You Doing Here?

Confused Buddha.jpg

I did not know what I was looking for when I walked into Shambhala Meditation Centre, but I soon had to explain my reason for being there. Before the class began, everyone had shared their reason for coming to Shambhala: reducing stress had been the number one answer. There was also a war veteran in attendance, who was there to cope with the things he saw in battle. Another woman, Cynthia, noted that she did not like to be anywhere commercial; her life must be extremely challenging I thought.

As my turn was fast approaching my mind raced. I could not say why I was there, to write about the experience of meditating in a group; I knew there was something wrong about this. Instead, I settled on the mostly true statement that I was there to find inspiration to write on the topic of meditation. With this out of the way, we began to meditate, albeit very briefly.

This introductory class had short (two-to-three-minute) meditation sessions followed by discussion. Cynthia was the first with a question: why should she keep her eyes open during meditation? “You should be with the world when you meditate and not close it off. Do you understand?” the instructor asked. To which Cynthia replied, “No.”

Instead of meditating, my thoughts and eyes search for something to write about, like the nearby pamphlets for their “Queer Dharma class”; the Jackhammer that was blaring in the background; the silk scarf the meditation instructor wore; and the laminate fake-hardwood we sat on, underneath our cushions. What was I doing here? Making observations of the experience was not helping me answer this question.

Not wanting to tell the class I was there for a blog was my real cue, one I missed. Since my reason for being there felt sneaky, then maybe it was not a good one.

Choosing to write a blog about meditation might have been my way of tricking myself back into being interested in its practice, as I am aware of its value. Only, payoff does not come from observing the practice — as I did that night — it comes from doing it.

So there is my silver lining and lesson: to write about meditation one has to actually meditate. With this in mind, being present for the next class is now mandatory.


Michael Myers

Michael is a misplaced Trent Business Administration grad exploring Buddhism.  He has recently traded in a career in accounting for a student card and a student budget. His other interests include: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Graphic Design. In this blog he will explore the bizarre and the profound at various Buddhist temples in Ottawa.

The Mindful Word / The Mindful World Contributions / Related Blogs

Meeting a Buddhist Monk

This week I had the pleasure of meeting Kelsang Zopa, a resident Buddhist monk at Joyful Land Buddhist Centre.

I was a little jarred when I first saw Kelsang. He was wearing a maroon and dark yellow robe, the same kind the Dali Lama wears. I quickly got over his robe, however, as we began to talk, it turned out he was not so eccentric. In fact, I am now certain he is more sane than I am.

I asked Kelsang what made him choose to be a monk: “It works,” he answered simply. “I am much happier now.” Zopa left behind a successful career doing what? when he became a Buddhist monk. Not surprisingly, the career change came with a significant pay cut.

I also asked Zopa what he does with his free time. He seemed puzzled with this question, almost as if there was no such thing as spare time. After some thought, he told me that he likes to go to Bridgehead and drink tea. He also said he keeps up with the news because it helps him with his lectures. His life  – as far as I could tell – is committed to helping others.

Zopa also told me that his Guru was another monk named Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Gesh Kelsang is the author of nearly all the books you will find at Joyful Land. He explained that he merely transmits his Guru’s message, and that Geshe Keslang is a transmitter for the Buddha.

Zopa was not afraid to point out his shortcomings as a teacher. He told me when he first began giving lectures on Buddhism he would inject psychology into the lessons. In time however, he discovered that his add-ons only diminish the profound messages in Buddhism.

When I told people I was going to interview a Buddhist monk, I got funny looks and even some laughs. In the age of life coaches and anti-depressants, guidance from a Buddhist monk is not commonplace. For this reason, it is all too easy to dismiss Buddhism and other ancient teachings as a means to improve our lives.

 “We think we are so smart,” Zopa explained, as to why ancient wisdom like Buddhism is overlooked. Buddhism has adjusted though, to fit with modern times, he assured me. But, the core messages in Buddhism have not changed.  Dedicating his life to this now 2000-year-old religion, Zopa certainly seemed happy when I took his photo that afternoon    











Michael Myers

 Michael is a misplaced Trent Business Administration grad exploring Buddhism.  He has recently traded in a career in accounting for a student card and a student budget. His other interests include: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Graphic Design. In this blog he will explore the bizarre and the profound at various Buddhist temples in Ottawa.

The Mindful Word / The Mindful World Contributions / Related Blogs


Doomsday Dharma


December 5, 2002, Downtown Montreal:

We were lost. She pulled me into a bookstore, the first store I am actually a somewhat interested in entering. We did not have bookstores like this in Cornwall: ones that were somehow cool.  A tiny book bearing the picture of the Dalai Lama caught my eye. I can actually finish this book, I thought. I wanted to know what he knew, smiling on the cover, the wisdom that made him so happy.

I brought the book to checkout and the dreadlocked cashier was practically elated. He invited me to come to a meditation class and explained all the other Buddhist stuff he was involved in. I just put my toe in the water and already someone wanted me to jump in. Not yet. I just want a little wisdom, and I would look stupid in dreadlocks anyhow. It was going to take some time for me to step foot in a Buddhist temple.

December 20, 2012, Ottawa:

It was hours before the end of the world, according to the Mayans. This might be my last chance to visit Joyful Land Buddhist Centre. Inside, it smelled like Glade, not incense; it was lit with halogen bulbs, not candles; they use a stereo, not a gong, and that nigh

t’s teacher was a dude in plaid, not a robe.

The rest of the world was still moving out on Somerset Street, as we strangers sat together meditating. This awkwardness was not sufficient to stop me from making the most beginner mistake of getting sleepy. The night’s topic was dreams and the nature of reality.

The meditation leader spoke: “Only a Buddha is fully awakened, but the rest of us live in a constant dream-like state filled with delusion.” This claim opened a discussion about the distinction between dreams and reality. This discussion flowed inevitably into the topic of the end of the world and the Mayan calendar.

When asked about this, the meditation leader paused, before giving his take: “The end of the world could be the end of a dream.” This explanation made me feel as though I might already be in a dream. I realized how weird things can get when you just stop for an hour. With this, my curiosity was piqued to take more “stops” at other Ottawa Buddhist centres.

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Michael Myers

Michael is a misplaced Trent Business Administration grad exploring Buddhism.  He has recently traded in a career in accounting for a student card and a student budget. His other interests include: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Graphic Design. In this blog he will explore the bizarre and the profound at various Buddhist temples in Ottawa.

The Mindful Word / The Mindful World Contributions / Related Blogs