Erzsébet Báthory: Bubble Baths or Blood baths?

I Prefer Bubble Baths not Blood Baths

Elizabeth Bathory, posing for a portrait. She is wear a white long sleeved dresses, with a brown and black skirt. Over top she is wear a black over coat with frilled cut of sleeves. She has on a ruff, and a matching hair piece as well.

Erzsébet Báthory (Elizabeth Bathory), posing in a portrait

Self-care is so essential to a girl, and since we live in a male-dominated society, aging is not an option now, is it? Our dear Erzsébet knew this, so she did what any rational Victorian woman would do… Kill hundreds of maids, torture them, and then bathe in their blood. I know a good skincare routine is irreplaceable to a girl, but the blood bath does seem a tad extreme; a bubble bath probably would have suffixes. (but what do I know?)

With an accused kill count of 6oo, Erzsébet Báthory put herself on the map for becoming one of the world's most prolific female serial killers at an early age (16 centuries early, that is). Though did the rumored merciless blood countess really do what she was accused of? Or was she an innocent widowed woman who had a tad bit too much power and money with several families, including her own, indebted to her?

Erzsébet Báthory was born in Nyírbátor, Hungary, on August 7, 1560. Married to a nobleman named Nadasdy at just 15 years of age, Erzsébet managed to do what all noblewomen at that time were expected to. What is that you may ask? Marry rich, a goal I myself have as well.

Erzsébet and Nadasdy were the picture of what a marriage of convince was supposed to be. They had 4 children, but a good 80% of the time never saw each other. This was, of course, due to her husband going off fighting the Ottoman Turks. During this time, she managed the estate and his affairs in his place, and she did so like a shark. Erzsébet Báthory was a cold-blooded businesswoman, so the story goes. But did her calculated business skills that would have granted her the title of ‘woman of the year’ in this day and age end up playing a role in her demise?

No one at this time liked a woman in power, much less a widow in power, and in January of 1604, Báthory’s husband died during battle. Báthory then took complete control of her extensive estates, something I’m sure her male family members were very fond of; because soon after the passing of her husband in the year 1610, Báthory was accused of her horrific crimes.

She stood accused along with her servants of mass murder and torture of commoners as well as noble ladies, ( which is why the case was apparently taken up, because heaven forbid the upper class to be slighted!).  Erzsébet herself was never tried, though 3 of her servants were executed when she was found guilty. Charged with officially 80 counts of murder, she was to live out her days confined to her home in Castle Cachtice, where she remained till she was found dead in 1614.

Portrait of Elizabeth Bathory, in a red and white dress, with a large frilled collar and her hair wrapped up in what looks like a red hair scarf. The paint is worn and discolored with age.

Isn’t it so convent though? Everything seemingly was tied up in a blood-red bow, not a single loose end in sight! Murderess Countess convicted as she should be. Except for the fact that those who convicted her gained far more than God’s good grace by locking her away. The debts they owed soon became collateral for allowing her family to manage her confinement and take control of her lands. Those who have reviewed the case in recent years have speculated that this murderess was actually innocent and that this was a case of politically fueled slander.

Though no matter what really happened, the case took on a life of its own in later years. Plenty of people came forward with their own recount of what happened, and years after the actual trial, the legend of the blood countess began as people started to say she bathed in the blood of victims in order to stay young. That is a rather big thing to leave out of the trial, but just like today’s society. Scandals and trials are like a giant game of telephone; they start off small only to become completely unrecognizable by the end for better or worse.

The intricacies of this case are fascinating; I would urge you to take a deep dive into it as well and form your own opinion on whether she was innocent or guilty, and perhaps the next time you hear of the blood countess, your blood will boil for a different reason then at the though of all those she ‘killed’. So for all you self-care girls out there obsessed with serial killers and potentially wronged female historical figures, treat yourself to a bubble bath in our girl, Erzsébet Báthory’s honor.

Hi, my name is Breanne Gormley. I’m currently in my second year of Professional Writing at Algonquin College. I am passionate about the color blue, tiny skulls, folklore, and petting random cats I find on the street. I have a deep love of writing, and I can’t wait to take a trip with you through time and explore the finer things in life, specifically tragic events and brutal murders. I hope you will enjoy this blog as much as I do.

Giulia Tofana: He’s just a guy, poison him with arsenic

Giulia Tofana, often referred to as the "Queen of Poison," was a notorious figure in 17th-century Italy, known for her dark craft of creating deadly concoctions. Born in the early 17th century, Tofana became infamous for providing poison to women seeking a way out of oppressive marriages or desperate situations. Her story is a fascinating and chilling chapter in the history of poisonings and female empowerment. 

When Guilia was 13, a woman named Thofania d'Amado, who was probably her mother, was executed for poisoning what some have claimed to be her own spouse. Tofana later used her mother's recipe to continue her legacy afterward. Talk about family traditions…

Tofana's life unfolded during a time when women had limited agency and were often trapped in loveless or abusive marriages. The societal norms of the 17th century placed heavy restrictions on women, leaving them with few options for escape. In this environment, Giulia Tofana emerged as an unlikely yet intriguing figure who offered an alternative to those suffering in silence. A saviour or serial killer by proxy?

What set Tofana apart was her expertise in creating poisons that were both deadly and untraceable. The poisonous concoctions became infamous for their efficacy and subtlety. Tofana's clientele primarily consisted of women who sought liberation from oppressive husbands or unwanted suitors. Catcallers bewarned. The toxic substances she supplied allowed these women to escape their dire circumstances, albeit through a dark and dangerous path.

Tofana's notoriety grew as her poisonous trade flourished, and whispers of her activities spread through the streets of Rome. The secrecy surrounding her operation added an air of mystique, as Tofana operated discreetly, avoiding the prying eyes of authorities. Her clandestine network of clients and collaborators helped shield her from the consequences of her deadly trade.

Aqua Tofana was often disguised as “Manna of St Nicholas of Bari,” Which was an ointment for blemishes.

The Queen of Poison's most infamous creation was a poison known as Aqua Tofana. This lethal concoction was colorless, tasteless, and odorless, making it nearly impossible to detect. Its insidious nature allowed those who used it to administer the poison without raising suspicion. The potency of Aqua Tofana made it a weapon of choice for women seeking a way to break free from oppressive relationships. 

Tofana's activities eventually caught the attention of the authorities, and in 1659, her dark empire began to crumble. Accused of being involved in the deaths of numerous individuals, Tofana and her daughter were arrested. Under the threat of torture, Tofana confessed to her crimes and implicated many others. The trial that followed revealed the extent of her deadly enterprise and the desperation that led women to seek her services.

Turns out Tofana couldn’t escape the ultimate cancellation — execution. The tale of the Queen of Poison became a cautionary one, illustrating the extremes to which individuals could be driven when faced with societal constraints and oppression. Tofana's story also raises questions about the blurred line between criminality and desperation, highlighting the lengths some may go to escape untenable situations.

While Tofana's actions were undoubtedly criminal, her story has been revisited and reinterpreted through various lenses. Some see her as a symbol of resistance against a patriarchal society that offered limited options to women. Others view her as a cunning and dangerous criminal who exploited the vulnerabilities of her clients for personal gain. I personally see her as the original girlboss..

Giulia Tofana, the Queen of Poison, remains a compelling and enigmatic figure in history. Her life and deeds provide a glimpse into the challenges faced by women in the 17th century and the extremes to which some were driven in their quest for freedom. The tale of Aqua Tofana serves as a dark reminder of the lengths individuals may go to when confronted with oppressive circumstances.

Hi, my name is Abby Wallingford. I’m currently in my second year in Professional Writing at Algonquin College. I have always been interested in reading and writing. Ever since I was young I have been coming up with ideas and writing them down, even making edits to books I would read in attempts to “make them better”. If I’m not dreaming up a new plot or world for a book, I’m dreaming of traveling to the historic places where my inspiration stems from. I’m fascinated with all things history and mythology and can’t wait to share these grim and grotesque stories of the past with you.

Albert Fish: The Real Life Boogeyman


Many of us know the popular serial killers: Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein. These men have made history as being some of the most disturbing killers. However, arguably the most twisted killer has slipped beyond the cracks of our minds. Probably because Netflix hasn’t made a documentary yet. And for good reason, they never will.

  The story of Albert Fish is one that is difficult to hear. And now you will hear it.



Albert Fish was born on May 19, 1870. His mother sent him away to an orphanage temporarily after the death of his father. This is where the physical abuse began; at the hands of godly nuns. Beatings, assaults, molestation. However, he discovered he enjoyed the pain.

At 12 years old, he was introduced to drinking urine and eating feces. This was discovered through a relationship where they also enjoyed watching young boys undress. Another childhood relationship revealed to Fish his obsession with sexual mutilation.

By the time he was 20, he was assaulting young boys, even though he was married. His mother arranged a marriage with Anna Mary Hoffman who gave him six children. He still had secret relationships with young men. He was in a relationship with a 19 year old who he tied up and cut off half of his genitals. “I shall never forget his scream or the look he gave me.”



Eventually his wife ended up fleeing the home for reasons unknown, leaving him with the children. This is when he began to use brutal, unusual self harm. He would push needles into his groin and hit himself with studded wooden paddles. He would even insert lighter soaked towels into parts of his body and light them on fire. He even started asking his children and their friends to beat him.

This is around the time he started to experience hallucinations. He believed that God commanded him to kill and torture children. He even began to fantasize about cannibalism and would eat raw meat to help the cravings. He was evaluated by several doctors and deemed sane. He was released every time. 

Though he attempted many abductions from 1924 to 1928, none of them worked. He was always caught. But he kept himself busy. He would frequently stab mentally handicapped men and pay children to help him catch other children.



 In 1928, he was finally able to indulge in his sick fantasies when he responded to an ad for a job. Edward Budd was an 18 year old father who was struggling financially and was looking for help around the house. They thought of Fish as a sweet old man. He had planned to abuse Edward, tie him up, mutilate him and leave him for his family to discover. However, once he met their 10 year old daughter Grace, his plans changed.

He offered to take her to his niece’s birthday party, and since the family trusted Fish, they allowed it. She was never seen again. Another man was arrested for the crime, but it would be years before Fish would be caught. 


In November 1934, a letter arrived at the Budd household. 

 “I made up my mind to eat her, on the pretense of taking her to a party. You said she could go,” the letter said. “I choked her to death then cut her into small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms, cook and eat it. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body.” The letter is actually much more gruesome, but to spare your stomach, I left those parts out. 


This letter proved to be the end for Fish. He was soon caught and arrested. During his arrest, he confessed to the murder, but claimed he never assaulted her sexually. He also confessed to the murder of Francis Mcdonnell who was found hanging from a tree, and 4 year old Billy Gaffney who was whipped until he bled. This is when he was coined “The Boogeyman,” “The vampire killer,” and “The Gray man.”

He even went into extreme detail on how he cooked the bodies; adding carrots, celery, onions and even bacon to the buttocks. Fish claimed he had killed over hundreds of children, but this has never been proven. Fish was found guilty and executed by electric chair. His lawyer refused to ever read his last words. “It was the most filthy string of obscenities I have ever read.”


Was this man born evil or did his abuse at the orphanage cause his sick and twisted ways? One thing is for certain though; Fish is one of the most disturbed individuals to ever walk this earth. Though he was only found guilty for one murder, this act made him one of the worst child killers in history.

It's important for parents to be wary of any strangers. Who knows how many real life boogeymen still hide in the cracks of society, waiting to strike?


My name is Mykie Hartley and I am currently taking Professional Writing. I am a barista at Starbucks and am becoming a tattoo artist. If you can’t find me, I’m usually reading, watching gory horror movies, listening to gross metal music or getting a new tattoo. I’m a lover of the weird and disturbing, and I hope you are too!

Bloody Mary: Don’t Summon Her, She Might Burn You at the Stake

A portrait of Mary from the chest up. She is wearing a black dress with a high neckline and a black and white beaded bonnet. She has a stoic expression on her face.

image courtesy of

If your childhood was anything like mine, you may have had the joyous experience of the Bloody Mary ritual wherein you turn off the lights in the bathroom, close the door, look in the mirror and say “Bloody Mary” three times. This fun little series of events supposedly summons the spirit of Mary I of England, who is known as the first ever Queen of England in her own right, but is also responsible for the murder of hundreds of protestants. Talk about a girlboss.

Mary was born February 18th, 1516 in Greenwich, England to two loving parents: Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Now, I use the term loving loosely, because they weren’t loving at all. Her father, who I’m sure you’ve heard of thanks to his proclivity for beheading his wives, was disappointed that Mary was a girl. He longed for a son to carry on the throne. I’m sure you can imagine how this put a wrench in his relationship with his daughter. Not only this, but he was desperate to leave his marriage with Catherine, as he had fallen in love with a woman by the name of Anne Boleyn. To get out of the marriage, he claimed that his relationship with Catherine was incestuous, since she had been married previously to his brother. In the process of deeming the relationship incestuous, Henry consequently delegitimized Mary, since this meant she would have been the product of the taboo relationship.

After such a unique childhood experience, you might not expect Mary to have grown up well-adjusted and level-headed. And you would be correct! The woman would be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. So, how did this all happen? Upon the beginning of her rule in 1553, Mary’s main goal was to restore Roman Catholicism in her country, and she would stop at nothing to accomplish it. Her first step to achieving this goal was to marry Philip II of Spain, a dashing, younger man who shared Mary’s desire for Catholic reformation.

Philip II of Spain and Mary posed next to each other against a golden and brown background. They are dressed in ornate, black and gold clothing.

image courtesy of

This pairing stirred up some drama, to say the least. Mary’s advisors would have much preferred she marry her cousin, Courtenay, earl of Devon, but she was not having it. Instead, the feisty cougar opted for Philip, resulting in mass chaos and unrest within the country. In fact, a brave soul by the name of Sir Thomas Wyatt, who was particularly threatened by the Catholic power-couple, staged an insurrection. Things didn’t turn out too well for Wyatt: he was executed following a speech from the Queen encouraging her subjects to fight for her.

After this, it’s safe to say that all hell broke loose, with some 280 protestants being burned at the stake for their religious beliefs under Mary’s instruction. This would earn her the title “Bloody Mary”, and solidify the public’s hatred for her and her husband. It turns out, ordering the deaths of your country’s people will not land you in the public's good books. Despite her best efforts, Mary never actually succeeded in her goal. Likely due to endometriosis, Mary was infertile, and did not produce an heir to the throne. After her death in 1558, her Protestant half sister, Elizabeth, took the throne.

I don’t know about you, but when I’d attempt to summon this woman in the school bathroom in grade four, I certainly didn’t know she was a bitter, 16th century English ruler with daddy issues and an inclination for death via burning. But hey, it’s never too late to learn. I’m just glad my efforts were never successful. Regardless of her failed attempt at religious reform, you can’t knock a woman for trying. Actually, maybe you can, if it meant hundreds of people died horrifically. 

Hi! My name is Kayleigh Vantour. I am a Professional Writing Student at Algonquin College. I love cats, the colour pink, fashion, and writing. When I am not in school or at work, I enjoy hanging out with friends and thrifting. I am excited to be a part of this blog, as I have always had an interest in history, particularly its darker side. I am looking forward to exploring some of history’s creepiest, most disturbing events with you!

The Sick Sadistic: John Wayne Gacy

Killer clowns are terrifying to the population worldwide. Clowns are scary in general. It is said that some blame “It”, a novel written by the king of horror Stephen King for making the idea of clowns horrific. At the same time, others blame clown-turned-serial killer John Wayne Gacy.

Gacy was born on March 17th, 1942, in Chicago. His father was a World War I veteran and struggled with alcoholism and beat on Gacy and his sisters with a razor strap whenever they misbehaved. Gacy’s father always made fun of him because he was overweight. He didn’t make many friends in school because of his weight and condition. He experienced seizures and blackouts and was frequently hospitalized. His father accused Gacy of only doing it for attention.

Favouritism was in Gacy’s family, and he was the least.

john wayne gacy as “pogo the clown”

Gacy’s psychosexual past began between the ages of 6 and 10, when the daughters of his mother’s friends said that they undress and play with Gacy, in Killer Clown: The John Wayne Gacy Murders by Terry Sullivan. It is also said that Gacy was molested very young by family friends and a contractor. According to Sullivan, Gacy and his friend were accused of sexually assaulting a young girl.

Gacy’s first sexual assault and arrest was in 1968 when he was accused of sexually assaulting a teenage boy and wanted to assault another. Gacy denied the accusations and others believed him over the victim. Gacy managed 3 KFC restaurants in Waterloo, Iowa and had persuaded one of his employees to assault the victim to avoid testifying in court. He was then convicted and received a 10-year prison sentence. His wife, Marylynn Myers was stunned, she divorced Gacy and gained custody of their two children Michael and Christine.

After serving 18 months of his sentence, he was released on parole in 1970. Not long after, he was arrested again when another teenage boy claimed Gacy for luring him into his car and driving him back to Gacy’s house, where Gacy tried to force himself onto the boy. The boy did not appear in court, therefore, Gacy got away with it.

Gacy bought a house in Norwood Park, Illinois where the murders took place.

20 images of JWG's victims

the victims

His first known murder was in January of 1972 when he lured 16-year-old Timothy to his house for sexual activities. Gacy woke up the next morning to find McCoy standing by the bedroom doorway with a knife in his hand and Gacy jumped out of his bed and rushed to attack McCoy, stabbing him to death. Only to realize that McCoy was standing with a knife because he had made them breakfast.

“That’s when I realized that death was the ultimate thrill,” Gacy said after receiving sexual gratification from killing Timothy McCoy, according to the book by Tim Cahill, Buried Dreams: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer.

The stories go on and on.

John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown” murdered AT LEAST 33 teenage boys and young men.

His most gut-wrenching quote is, “I should have never been convicted of anything more serious than running a cemetery without a license.” 26 victims were found buried in the crawl space of his home, 3 were buried around the property and 4 were discarded in the Des Plaines River.

Netflix released a show called Conversations with a Killer: The John Wayne Gacy Tapes on April 20th, 2022, where over 60 hours of conversations were recorded. The show states that the tapes were kept from the public until the show was released.

Fortunately, Gary died from lethal injection at 52 on May 10th, 1994.

The world is happy without sick sadists like John Wayne Gacy.

Greetings! my name is Emily-Ann Petawabano. I am twenty years old, and this is currently my second year of college. I am a 9 hour drive from my homelands, and I miss it but I love it here. I absolutely love drinking coffee and eating ramen. I also love being in the comfort of my own home with my roommate who is also my first cousin. Going to the gym is also something I enjoy doing very much, late night workouts are my favourite.

Tylenol What are You Doing Killing!?

Have you ever wondered why there is a tamper-proof seal on those painkillers you need for that migraine or muscle pain? Well, I got news for you! That pesky little thing is there because of the Tylenol murders!

These murders started because one person decided to be stealthy and lace extra-strength Tylenol with potassium cyanide. There were seven murders altogether in the Chicago area, three of which were from the same household. After the seventh victim, the police finally got suspicious and started an investigation into the company that produces Tylenol. Johnson and Johnson (the company that produces Tylenol) had a recall of all the Tylenol, stopped advertisements of the product, and advised the public to not take medication that contained acetaminophen. After finding out that this wasn’t done during production but rather in the store, police were stomped.

 Johnson and Johnson soon started to get letters from a man named James William Lewis claiming he was the one behind it and demanded one million dollars or he would continue. Police didn’t look into this any further due to Lewis being in New York while the deaths were in Chicago (even though it was smarter to do it in a town or city you don’t live in).

After these deaths, the use of tamper-proof seals began as did the federal law about tamper-proof seals come to be. Tampering with medication can lead you to be in prison for 9 months to 8 years and a fine of up to $1500.

With all this being said, how could you still get away with tampering if it is possible to do so? For legal reasons, this is all hypothetical, and you should NEVER try this yourself! With that out of the way, let's dive in, shall we?

What you would need to do is get your hands on medication, for this example, we will stick with Tylenol. This has to be a new bottle otherwise the victims would know something is wrong. Next, you would need to carefully open both the box and the tamper-proof seal of the container. Use an Exacto knife for that look of never-been-open. The seal will be very difficult but with a lot of patience, you will get there. After you lace the painkillers with whatever chemical you desire, seal everything back up with clear glue. Once dried, travel to a store outside of where you live (i.e., Whitby if you live in Toronto Ontario) but make sure yours is more at the back. Then all you will have to do is wait and make sure you weren’t able to be seen well but also you weren’t suspicious of it.

Remember, we have that pesky little tamper-proof seal because someone decided to kill and lace some Tylenol. I do not condone lacing anything with anything else!

R.Solitaro is the author of this post, they like anything spooky and gruesome. Sometimes, in the dark of night you might be able to see them in your window. Welcome to the Chaos that is R.Solitairo.

Aileen Wuornos: Not a Monster

Content Warning: this post contains content about sexual violence. Please take care when reading.

You may have heard of Aileen Wuornos: branded as America’s first female serial killer, unrepentant sexual deviant and psycho killer, Monster. In the early ‘90s, that’s how Wuornos was portrayed by the media and law enforcement after she was arrested for the murder of seven men. It was the same angle pursued by the prosecution when Wuornos was on trial in 1992 for first-degree murder. Aileen Wuornos was convicted by a jury and sentenced to death. She spent a decade on death row until she was executed by lethal injection on October 9th, 2002.

It was easy to call Wuornos an evil murderer and do away with her. But I don’t think Aileen Wuornos was disposable. I don’t think a traumatized, mentally ill woman deserved a state-sanctioned death. I am not trying to absolve her from the crimes she committed. Instead, I’d like to try and understand Wuornos for who she really was: a person who was exploited her entire life, and failed by every system that could have prevented her from becoming what she did.

Image courtesy of

Wuornos was born into a life of violence and poverty. Her mother was just 14 years old when she gave birth. Her father was in prison for raping a child when she was born. He later hung himself in jail. When she was four years old, Wuornos and her brother were abandoned by their mother. They went to live with their alcoholic and abusive grandparents.

Her already difficult life only got worse. She was repeatedly raped by her grandfather and other family members. She began survival sex work at 11-years-old. Like her mother, she gave birth at 14, after being raped. She put the baby up for adoption and was kicked out of her home. I won’t belabour the point any further: from the time she was born, her life was hell. She was abused and failed by every person who was supposed to take care of her.

It didn’t stop after she turned 14. Wuornos continued to do survival sex work into her adult life. She was in and out of jail her entire life, from the first time she was arrested as a teenager. She’d been a ward of the state, though she was often homeless, and committed various drunken and petty crimes. There were plenty of opportunities for the state to step in and provide her with the rehabilitation, counselling and healthcare Wuornos so desperately needed. Instead, she was churned out and spit back onto the street after every arrest and stint in jail. Instead, she was discarded by a system that saw her as worthless.

Feminist writer Phyllis Chesler tried to organize a thorough defense that addressed the decades of abuse and poverty that put Wuornos on the path to murder: “I organized a pro bono team of experts to testify about violence against prostitutes and a prostitute’s right to defend herself. I hoped we could also address the level of complex, post-traumatic stress from which she and all prostitutes suffer…none of us were ever called.”


“Aileen was terrorised by violent johns, and eventually lashed out in crazed defense, just like men do in wars when they are also afraid of getting killed or tortured,” said psychologist Melissa Farley, who worked on Wuornos’ case. None of this was mentioned in the media at the time of her trial, much less considered by the prosecution or jury as potential mitigating factors in her crimes. She was treated as a throw away—a dirty prostitute who killed men to rob them of their cash and cars. Wuornos maintained that each killing was done in self-defense throughout her trial, though as her mental state deteriorated, she claimed to enjoy the killing. Perhaps she did. It may have been the only time in her life that she felt in control.  

The first man Wuornos killed, Richard Mallory, was a convicted rapist. Like her other six victims, he was a ‘john’, a term used to describe men who hire sex workers. Wuornos said he beat and raped her, which lead to her shooting him in self-defense. That was November 30th, 1989. In the next year, she would sporadically shoot and kill six more ‘johns’. The murders did not seem coordinated or planned, and she maintained all were in self-defense.

 “People painted Aileen as a monster,” said Wuornos’ defense attorney Nick Broomfield, “which she was not. She was also not a serial killer. Aileen neither planned her crimes, stalked her victims, or took any pleasure from what she did.”

Wuornos’ story has been retold by many different people, in many ways, for different reasons. Most seek to exploit her trauma for financial gain. Some portrayals are sympathetic, such as the Oscar-winning performance by Charlize Theron, who played Wuornos in the film Monster. The movie humanizes her, but like the title suggests, it turns her into a monstrosity as well. Other feminist writers have tried to understand and humanize Wuornos. Journalist Julie Grindel says in her examination of Wuornos’ life and crimes, “there are monsters…and there are misrepresentations.”

My name is Angie Mosher (she/her) and I'm a Professional Writing student at Algonquin College. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from UBC, and when I’m not writing, I’m playing video games, hanging out with my cats, or getting a new tattoo. I’m originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, but have been living in Ottawa since 2017. I like shining a light on things otherwise left to rot in the corner. Let’s kick up some dust.

Barbie & Ken: Murder Edition!

TRIGGER WARNING: Violent Sexual Assault

Walk up to any Canadian on the street and say the name Paul Bernardo, they’ll spit at your feet. One of Canada’s most prolific serial killers, Bernardo was responsible for 3 deaths and over 30 sexual assaults. His fate for carrying out these crimes is life in solitary confinement. Yet, why does his murderous accomplice, Karla Homolka, walk free?

Paul and Karla were seen as the ideal couple. Dubbed the “Barbie and Ken” couple, they presented as a beautiful and happy pair. Inside, their relationship was anything but perfect. Before we get into the knitty-gritty of it all, let’s go back in time. 

Paul was born in 1964 in Ontario. Similar to his relationship with Karla, his family presented a united and happy front. That was far from reality, with Paul’s father eventually being arrested for child molestation. When Paul was 16 years old, his mother confessed he was the product of an affair. After this revelation, his behaviour towards his mother and other women changed drastically. 

Paul and Karla sitting together on a couch in front of a window, blinds half open. They are both smiling. Paul sits on the left and wears a dark patterned shirt. Karla sits on the right with a long white necklace on.

Paul & Karla together (Courtesy of Psychology Today)

In 1987, a woman in Scarborough was attacked and raped after getting off the bus. For the next five years, up to 24 more assaults and attempted assaults took place. The assaulter was dubbed the “Scarborough Rapist”. Paul was questioned multiple times, and a composite sketch from a victim resembled him. The same year the assaults began, Paul and Karla met. Karla was 17, Paul was 24. 

In 1990, Bernardo and Homolka were engaged. Paul, upset that Karla wasn’t a virgin when they met, allegedly ordered that Holmolka bring him a virgin. She decided on her younger sister, 15-year-old Tammy Homolka. After a Christmas party hosted by her family, Karla drugged Tammy and brought her to Bernardo to rape. While unconscious, Tammy vomited and choked to death. After cleaning and placing the body on the bed, the pair claimed she vomited in her sleep. Her death was ruled an accident. A similar incident occurred later, where the couple drugged and abused a young co-worker of Karla’s. She survived and had no memory of the event.

Paul & Karla sitting and smiling in a limo. Karla is wearing a white wedding dress with a veil. She is holding a bouquet of white flowers. Paul sits to the right of her in a black suit with a white shirt.

Karla and Paul on their wedding Day (Courtesy of Investigation Discovery)

One year after Tammy’s death, the pair married. The same day of their ceremony, boaters in St. Catharines discovered concrete blocks that encased human limbs and a head. The next day, the torso was found. The remains were identified as 14-year-old Leslie Mahaffy. A year after, the body of 15-year-old Kristen French was found. Police suspected the cases were connected.

In 1993, Karla left Paul after he viciously beat her with a flashlight. Shortly after, Bernardo’s DNA was matched with the Scarborogh Rapist, and he was put under watch.

A closeup of Karla looking bored. Her blonde hair is half up and she wears a pink lipstick on her smile-less face.

Karla Homolka - Frank Gunn (The Canadian Press)

Karla originally wasn’t cooperative with the police. She eventually agreed to testify if she was granted full immunity. The attorney general wouldn’t agree to immunity, but offered a reduced sentence. During the four day interrogation, Homolka claimed that Bernardo was the one pulling all the strings, and she was an “unwilling participant” who lived in terror of him. Homolka was sentenced to two 12-year prison terms, to be served concurrently. However, unbeknownst to the prosecutor, Bernardo’s lawyer had retrieved six tapes hidden in Paul’s home. The tapes showed the graphic rape of Tammy, and the torture and rapes of Mahaffy and French. The tapes also proved that Karla wasn’t forced into the acts, but willingly participated in them. These tapes weren’t given to the police until 1994, over a year after Homolka’s sentencing. Despite outcries over her light sentencing, the Crown stated they had to stand by their agreement.

Bernardo’s trial began in 1995. After four months, he was found guilty on all charges and was sentenced to life in prison. Furthermore, he was declared a dangerous offender, which meant that parole was unlikely. This rang true, as his effort in 2000 to appeal was turned down, as were his 2015 and 2018 attempts. He has been in maximum security prison since 2013.

Homolka served her 12 year sentence and was released in 2005. After her release, the judge imposed a series of restrictions on her movement and banned her from having contact with anyone under 16. Only months later, her conditions were overturned by a different judge. She settled in Montreal, where she gave birth to a son. She and her new husband- the brother of her prison lawyer- eventually moved to Guadeloupe under a new name. However, she was discovered in 2012 and returned to Quebec, under intense scrutiny. She resides there to this day.

The case of these two killers has fascinated and appalled many who have come to know the facts. The horrible fate of Tammy, Leslie and Kristen and Karla’s ability to escape any true form of justice is just another twisted tale of Canadian history. 

#BarbieAndKen #TrueCrime #CanadianHistory #KarlaHomolka #PaulBernardo

My name is Rebecca Skye Nicholson. I went to Carleton University for Psychology. I always had a passion for writing, and after graduating from University I felt like I needed to pursue what was important to me. I applied to the Algonquin Professional Writing Program for a chance to express myself in the best medium I know.

I have an interest in dark and twisted media. I’m also an avid feminist and I love reading about conspiracy theories. For my blog posts, I’ve decided to pick topics that fit into those three categories.

The Cannibalistic killer

Jeffrey Dahmer, born May 21, 1960, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is one of the most infamous serial killers in history! Dahmer killed 17 men over a 13 year span without being captured! Crazy, right? What I find so fascinating about him is that he can so casually tell reporters, prosecutors, and media outlets what he did is wrong, but not feel the need to try and hide what he’s done. Maybe the guy had a larger-than-life ego or was just dumb. As far as I know, serial killers normally try and cover their tracks. Sources say that he was unassuming.

Dahmer claims one of the reasons for his sick perversions is due to the sense of isolation he felt as a child. As a result of his parents constant bickering and eventual divorce. Oh, come on man, that’s not an excuse. A lot of people have divorced parents.

Jeffrey dahmer mugshot

A more prevalent factor would likely be his mother, Joyce, who suffered from mental illness all her life. As a child Dahmer was fascinated with animals, but not in the way you would think a serial killer would be. He was quite gentle with them. However, later in his childhood he developed a fascination with dead animals and developed a taxidermy hobby. His father, a scientist, was thrilled about this because he thought his son would have a future career in biology. But I don’t know, if my kid suddenly developed a fascination with dead things, I would be concerned. Wouldn’t you?

In high school, Dahmer was very much a loner. He was constantly drunk at school and masked his anti- social tendencies by being the class clown. He would often pretend to have epileptic seizures and pretend to have Cerebral Palsy. Woo hoo, an ablest serial killer. YAY!

By the time he was 18, his parents finally divorced. This took a major toll on Dahmer. His anti social tendencies grew ten-fold. Dahmer was gay and could not express his sexuality given that he grew up in the 60’s. Dahmer first discovered his feelings for boys when he was in his teen years. He invited another boy to come to his tree house, where he asked the boy if he could kiss and touch him. Even though he didn’t kill this boy, he still sexually assaulted him. Jeffrey Dahmer’s first murder victim was Steven Hicks. Dahmer was infatuated with Hicks, eventually giving into his urges, and strangling him, beating him with a barbell, and later dismembering Hicks’ body and stuffing his body parts into a trash bag.

The weird thing is, after Steven Hicks, he didn’t kill his next victim until 9 years later.

Jeffrey dahmer trial

After dropping out of college, Dahmer had a brief stint in the military, where he was discharged for disorderly conduct related to his drinking. It’s scary to think that one of the most horrible, disgusting people could ever have been in the American Military. But then again, is it really that surprising?

Jeffrey Dahmer had many ways of acquiring victims; some he met at gay bars, some were prostitutes, some he met at bath houses, luring men in to take pictures of them. Before doing anything to them he would inject some with hydrochloric acid into their brain to put them into a “zombie-like” state. Some say Dahmer wanted to turn men into sex zombies to carry out his dark fantasies.

Over time Dahmer became even more twisted.  Not only did he preserve his victims’ bodies and freeze them, but he also began to eat the body parts, adding seasoning and condiments to make it a meal. YUCK!

As for the Jeffrey Dahmer show on Netflix, I don’t know how in detail it is as it’s missing many “interesting” facts, but I can tell you that I will always think of Jeffrey Dahmer when I hear the phrase “relax, I’m just taking a picture.”

Hi, I’m Amy Claire Lawford. I am a Professional Writing student at Algonquin College. I am the resident disabled history buff. History in high school was rather boring, all they talked about was WW1 and WW2. Let’s be honest though, the interesting side of history is the dark side. I can’t wait to show you all the dark and twisted things, that I have in store for you. Brace yourselves. Let’s hope that you don’t get nightmares.

A Tale Of Transportation Gone Wrong

TRIGGER WARNING: descriptions of murder and decapitation.

Nobody enjoys taking the bus. The food is terrible, it’s impossible to sleep, and the motion sickness can feel like you’re riding a rollercoaster. However, taking the bus is a mundane mode of transportation. No one imagines a bus ride becoming a horror story. Unfortunately, for the passengers of a Greyhound bus in July 2008, taking the bus has become a traumatic reminder of the night a man was murdered in front of them.



Timothy Richard Mclean was born in Manitoba and was described as a free spirit who had dreams to travel the world and become famous. He was a smart, young man with ambition. After dropping out of high school, he pursued a career in the carnival industry as a carnival barker. His job was to get people interested in the attractions and games. Because of Tim’s love of socializing and traveling, this job was perfect for him. He never imagined settling down until he was 22 and fell in love with British Columbia. However. because he was close with his family, he decided to visit them back home before his move. His friend offered to buy him a plane ticket, but he was perfectly happy to take the Greyhound bus. Unfortunately, he would never make it there.


Lee Vince was born in China and faced many childhood sicknesses. Despite this, he had a relatively normal life. However when he turned 40, his wife noticed he was acting strange. He didn’t sleep, cried often, and never ate. He began to tell her he saw and spoke to God. In 2005, his mental health plummeted; he divorced his wife and was institutionalized. This is where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.


Though not much is known about schizophrenia, many people who are diagnosed are able to live fairly normal lives with therapy and medication. However, Li ignored his diagnosis for years. Before the incident, Li drifted from job to job where he continued to get fired for outbursts. He started to float from town to town by bus where he eventually bought a large hunting knife. Before he boarded the bus, he almost murdered another man who was innocently going about his life. His delusions told him in the voice of God that he was in danger. An evil alien would try to kill him. Li spent a few days sitting on a bench before he boarded the same bus as Mclean on July 30th 2008.

Mclean sat in the second to last row, put his headphones on and slowly drifted to sleep. A passenger by the name of Steven Allison watched as Li exhibited strange behaviors such as rocking back and forth, talking to himself, and wandering from seat to seat. Allison could tell Li was off, but he had no idea what was coming. Finally, Li decided to sit next to Mclean. He knew this was the man that God warned him about.



Moments later, Li finally snapped. He pulled his knife out and began to frantically stab Mclean. His screams drowned the sounds of The Return Of Zorro playing on the bus until his throat was cut. Then there was only silence while everyone turned to realize what was going on. Allison yelled for the bus driver to pull over. Passengers and children screamed and ran off the bus while Li continued to stab Mclean’s corpse. Allison saved over three passengers, and wanted to save Mclean, only realizing upon looking at his body that he was dead. It looked as if he was stabbed over 70 times in every part of his body. Blood stained the chairs and windows around the area. The driver and two other men attempted to get the knife away from Li, but were chased off the bus. The door was barricaded while Li continued his work. Li decapitated Mclean and displayed the severed head to the horrified passengers outside. He then started to severe his limbs and consume parts of his flesh, proudly displaying this act to his audience. During the attack, Li never displayed any emotion.

The Royal Canadian police arrived on the scene around 8:30pm. Li was still on the bus. Passengers were crying and vomiting on the roadside. The standoff began, and Li was only arrested after he attempted to escape the bus five hours later. Police were never able to recover Mclean’s heart and eyes. His ears, nose and tongue were found in Li’s pocket as a trophy. The crime scene was so gruesome that a RCMP officer committed suicide six years after the murder.


In March 2009, Li was found not criminally responsible on account of mental illness. He was admitted to the Selkirk mental health center until he was released in 2017. He now lives in Manitoba on absolute discharge. Li changed his name and no longer attends yearly reviews or receives supervision of any kind.

He still did it, whether he was in his right frame of mind or not,” Carol DeDelly, mother of Mclean said after Li’s release. “There was nobody else on that bus holding a knife slicing up my child.”


15 years after the attack, many wonder if the Canadian justice system should have harsher sentences for murder. Many argue for the death penalty, especially in such brutal cases like this. Yes, Li was mentally ill, but a young man was murdered and his family will never recover. The witnesses still deal with PTSD. A passenger by the name of Marlene Gregory cannot travel by bus anymore or use kitchen knives. “I used to be the type to walk around and feel safe,” Gregory describes life after the traumatizing event. “I trusted people. And that’s gone.”

If we can learn anything from this horrific story, we can remember to always stay vigilant. Anything can happen anywhere in this disturbed world. Even on an ordinary bus ride.

My name is Mykie Hartley and I am currently taking Professional Writing. I am a barista at Starbucks and love making cute coffees! If you can’t find me, I’m usually reading, watching gory horror movies, listening to gross metal music or getting a new tattoo. I’m a lover of the weird and disturbing, and I hope you are too!

The Papin Sisters: A Tale of Murder, Madness and Sisterly Love?

Author’s Note: Like today’s traditional romance books, I use humour but, I can also take you down a darker path (know what I mean ladies? *wink*) TW: abuse, neglect, murder, etc. Be forewarned.

The Papin sisters after their arrest. Christine is on the left and Lea is on the right.

In the annals of true crime history, few cases are as chilling and perplexing as the story of the Papin sisters. In 1933, Christine and Léa Papin plead guilty to a gruesome double murder. Revealing a dark tale of abuse, madness, and repressed emotions. The criminal case of the Papin sisters remains a hauntingly tragic story which archives the devastating consequences of a troubled past. 

Born into a working-class family in the small town of Le Mans, France, in the early 1900s, their lives were marked by hardships and unrelenting mental and physical abuse at the hands of their parents. Their childhood left deep scars forcing their relationship with each other to become a refuge from the outside world.

Their mother sent them to Bon Pasteur Catholic Orphanage, which was known for its discipline. During Christine's time at the orphanage, she received the calling to become a nun. Her mother forbade this, instead placing her in employment. Christine had been trained in various household duties in the convent, easing her into becoming a live-in maid. Unsatisfied with their pay, their mother forced them to seek better-paid opportunities.

In 1926, they were hired as live-in maids by the Lancelin family. The family consisted of René and Léonie Lancelin and their adult daughter, Geneviève. Some years after they started working for the family, Léonie developed depression and the Papins became the target of her mental illness. She began to scrutinize their work. There were various occasions of her reportedly physically assaulting them and the abuse worsened: at its peak she would slam the sisters' heads against the wall.



The tension in the Lancelin household reached a boiling point on the night of February 2, 1933. What happened that night remains the subject of debate, but some sources say that René was to meet Léonie and Genevieve for dinner at the home of a family friend after the two went shopping. When they returned home the sisters explained to Léonie that a power outage had been caused by Christine plugging in a faulty iron. Léonie became irritated and attacked the sisters on the first-floor landing. Christine lunged at Genevieve and gouged her eyes out. Léa joined in the struggle and attacked Léonie, gouging her eyes out as ordered by Christine. Christine ran downstairs and retrieved a knife and a hammer. At some point, one of the sisters grabbed a heavy pewter pitcher and used it to strike the heads of both the women. In the midst of the rage, they mutilated the buttocks and thighs of the victims. Seriously folks, I’m giving you a glimpse into how deeply these two snapped. 

When René arrived at his friend's home, he found that his family was not there. He immediately returned home to find the front door bolted shut from the inside, leaving him unable to enter the house. Frantic, he then went to a local police station to summon help from an officer. The policeman made entry into the home by climbing over the garden wall.

Once inside, he found the bodies of Léonie and Genevieve. Thinking that the Papin sisters had met the same fate, the policeman continued upstairs only to find the door to their room locked. After the officer knocked but received no response, he summoned a locksmith to open the door. Inside the room, he found the sisters naked in bed together, and a bloody hammer on a chair nearby. Under questioning, the sisters immediately confessed to the killing, in self defense.

The sisters' lawyers argued that they were driven to madness by the oppressive working conditions and the abuse they suffered at the hands of the Lancelin family. Their actions, they maintained, were a result of years of pent-up anger and childhood trauma. The court ultimately found them guilty of the murders. Léa, thought to be under the influence of her older sister, was given a 10-year sentence. Christine was initially sentenced to death at the guillotine, although that sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. But soon she began to starve herself and died as a result in 1937.

The case of the Papin sisters is a haunting and tragic chapter in the annals of true crime. Their lives were marked by hardship and abuse, leading to a horrifying crime that shocked France. The story of sisters continues to raise questions about the limits of human endurance and the devastating consequences of a troubled past. It serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of recognizing and addressing issues of abuse and mistreatment in the workplace, and the far-reaching impact of repressed emotions and unresolved trauma.

Hi, my name is Abby Wallingford. I’m currently in my second year in Professional Writing at Algonquin College. I have always been interested in reading and writing. Ever since I was young I have been coming up with ideas and writing them down, even making edits to books I would read in attempts to “make them better”. If I’m not dreaming up a new plot or world for a book, I’m dreaming of traveling to the historic places where my inspiration stems from. I’m fascinated with all things history and mythology and can’t wait to share these grim and grotesque stories of the past with you.

The Unsolved Death of Edgar Allan Poe

A black and white portrait of Edgar Allan poe from the neck up. He has a serious expression on his face. He is wearing a neck tie and a black jacket.

Image courtesy of Britannica

“The Raven”, “Annabel Lee”, “A Dream Within a Dream”. Whether you were forced to read any of these throughout your education, or you were a poetry lover and enjoyed them on your own free will, you have almost certainly come across at least one of these works. These are poems, of course, written by the notable 19th century poet and author, Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is known for the  mysterious, eerie, and supernatural themes of his writing. Almost 200 years following his initial fame, he is still regarded as one of the most talented and influential poets to date.

Poe was born on January 19th, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. He had a difficult childhood. His mother died in 1811, when he was only 3 years old. Following her death, he was sent to live with John Allan, who is thought to be his godfather. He lived in Scotland and England for 5 years for his education, and eventually returned and attended the University of Virginia for just 11 months. He was forced to leave the University when he gambled away so much of his money that his then guardians did not allow him to continue.

Despite his inability to finish his education, he was a talented writer. He published his first collection of poems in 1827, titled Tamerlane, and Other Poems. His most notable work, “The Raven”, was published in 1845. This would catapult him to national fame. Throughout his life, Poe struggled with alcoholism. He was frequently publicly intoxicated. He was even fired from his job as an editor at the Southern Literary Messenger in Baltimore because of his drinking.

Edgar Allan Poe's large white grave stone in Baltimore, Maryland. The gravestone features a black engraved portrait of Poe, along with his name engraved at the bottom.

Image courtesy of mpr news

Poe’s success came to a screeching halt when he was found incoherent, beaten, and clad in tattered, secondhand clothes while lying in a gutter. His exact location was outside Gunner’s Hall, a public house in Baltimore. Poe was found by a man named Joseph Walker, who attempted to get him help. Poe died in the hospital a few days later on October 7th, 1849. The exact cause of his death remains unknown, but there are several theories.

Theory #1: Alcohol

Poe suffered from alcohol dependence and had a difficult time tolerating even small amounts of it. He’d be staggering and slurring after a single glass of wine. Because of this, many believe Poe simply drank himself to death. Poking a hole in this alcohol-driven-death theory, is the fact that a postmortem sample of Poe’s hair was taken, which showed low levels of lead. Had he been drinking, these levels should have been elevated. Nonetheless, many still believe alcohol is what did him in.

Theory #2: Brain Tumour

It’s also possible that Poe’s untimely death was as a result of a brain tumour. Not only would that explain the confusion he was experiencing, but when his grave was exhumed twenty-six years after his death, a spherical mass was found inside his skull. This could have been a calcified tumour. The tumour could have also been the reason he was unable to tolerate alcohol.

Theory #3: Murder

Admittedly, it’s unlikely that Poe could have been murdered. He seems to have been suffering from something internal, which would explain his gradual decline over the span of a few days. However, John Evangelist suggested in his 2000 book, Midnight Dreary: The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe, that he was murdered by his fiance’s brothers. The circumstances around how this could have taken place are a bit fuzzy, however. Evangelist claims that a frightened Poe was disguising himself (hence the unusual clothing) to hide from his fiance's brothers following their disapproval of the pairing. The brothers then would have forced Poe to drink whiskey, knowing his history with alcohol and his inability to tolerate it. After this, Evangelist claims, they beat Poe to death.

Whether it was murder, a brain tumour, alcohol, a combination of the three, or something else altogether, this well known death was eerie and tragic, much like the work of the author himself. Poe will continue to be known as the talented writer he was regardless of this death, and we likely will never know exactly what happened to the famed writer.

Hi! My name is Kayleigh Vantour. I am a Professional Writing Student at Algonquin College. I love cats, the colour pink, fashion, and writing. When I am not in school or at work, I enjoy hanging out with friends and thrifting. I am excited to be a part of this blog, as I have always had an interest in history, particularly its darker side. I am looking forward to exploring some of history’s creepiest, most disturbing events with you!

To Impale or to be Impaled: Vlad III

This is a portrait of Vlad the III, he has long dark curled hair & a mustache. He is dressed in a red velvet shirt with large gold buttons & a short animal fur cape covering his shoulders. He wears a red ornate hat with precious stones & pearl

Portrait of Vlad III of Wallachia

Vlad III Draculea, who was the man behind the blueprint for tall, dark, pale morally grey boyfriends everywhere?

I know what you’re thinking: Where’s my hot, dark, deathly pale bloodsucking vampire boyfriend?

Me too, girl, me too. Though since we both can’t seem to find one, let’s take this time to review the man behind it all, one of the most notorious inspirations behind the cult craze of vampires and bloodlust, the blueprint for our questionable taste in men, Vlad the III Draculea.

Known by many names, some of the most prominent being Vlad III Draculea, Son of the Dragon, or Vlad the Impaler, given to him by his numerous enemies. Another name we can also assume may have been commonly used to refer to him was Asshole. However, that’s personal speculation and not a historical fact.   

Mysterious orders, larger-than-life castles, and a forest of bodies left out on spikes without care for the age or vulnerability of the victim. Brutal and subtle is an understatement when describing Vlad the III; This man was a terrifying warlord who slayed and impaled anyone in his way. The words, Compromise and forgiveness were not in Vlad's personal vocabulary, as he never seemed to forget an offense or slight against him or those around him.

 Going to any feast hosted by him would be strongly advised against as it often was a one-way invitation; you come and feast, and he sits and watches with pleasure as you are stabbed and impaled, tortured and imprisoned until he has something useful for you to do (such as build him fancy castles). Oh, and you can’t forget setting the guests on fire and letting them all burn to death as well. He was certainly innovative when it came to dinner-time entertainment and killing large groups of people!  

Being responsible for over 800,000 deaths during his reign, most having something to do with (surprise) impalement, the 2nd son of Vlad II and Princess Cneajna of Moldavia, Vlad III certainly made a name for himself. However, his rise to power was not exactly as smooth as he probably would have liked. With his father being overthrown at a young age, discourse ran rampant, and for quite a while, there was a power struggle in Wallachia. Though at the age of 24 Vlad finally made his claim permanent on July 22nd, 1456 through hand-to-hand combat.

During his reign, Vlad cracked down on everything, from liars to thieves and even the homeless. He showed no mercy in persecuting whoever he saw fit, well, making sure to change around the seats of power so he’d have full control over his officials and court. He did this by electing those of lower and common birth so that without him, they'd be unable to keep their place and power. Though he was ruthless, it's safe to say as a warlord and dictator, he was a genius.

One of his best-known ‘accomplishments’ in his eyes, ‘atrocities’ in our eyes, was what was called the ‘forest’ of the dead. This is exactly what it sounds like: more than 23,000 people of all ages and types impaled and left to line the road of an enemy route outside of the city of Targovishte in 1476. This was done in response to the army of 90,000 men assembled by Mehmed II, who was looking to take Wallachia. Though after witnessing the gruesome sight, Mehmed II turned around and marched back to Constantinople with his men. The forest was described as victims piled on victims, mothers impaled with their babies and children—a strong smell of rotten, decomposing corpses, with animals such as birds nesting inside their exposed entrails.   

Vlad, in 1462, was captured by Matthias I and was imprisoned for 12 years, until set free to reclaim Wallachia in the name of Hungary during 1475. Though originally successful in his endeavor, Vlad III died in 1476, after being ambushed and decapitated by an Ottoman patrol. His head was then sent to Mehmed II, the Sultan in Constantinople, as a trophy. They hung Vlad’s head on the city gates, what an Ironic end for the man who loved nothing more than to display the dead.

I highly recommend researching Vladdy on your own time, as there is just so much to cover in depth about this blood-crazed, castle-loving warlord. To try and fit it in one piece would put you and me in an early grave.

A blood red sky, with a pale moon the emits a soft red glow, covered by a thin strip of dark clouds. A silhouette of bushes is seen in the foreground

From his early days to his many battles, up until his very last moments, Vlad the Impaler made sure he would never be forgotten. Though his existence was a blood-soaked one, Vlad the impale-crazed III’s antics have made my 3am sleep-deprived Google searches fruitful and enlightening.

 Finally, at the end of the day (and this blog), I think we can all agree on one thing, and that is that Vlad the III suffered from middle-child syndrome; all the killing and impaling was certainly a cry for attention; sadly, his dad was dead. Though Vlad’s deep-seeded daddy issues have made for a rather juicy story that we can all sink our teeth into.

Hi, my name is Breanne Gormley. I’m currently in my second year of Professional Writing at Algonquin College. I am passionate about the color blue, tiny skulls, folklore, and petting random cats I find on the street. I have a deep love of writing, and I can’t wait to take a trip with you through time and explore the finer things in life, specifically tragic events and brutal murders. I hope you will enjoy this blog as much as I do.

Necrophilia and Murder: Ted Bundy

Have you been told you have “killer eyes” and have a dog you were going to adopt with your girlfriend bark at you? Have a crazy number of fans from when you were famous and now even after your death? You haven’t? Well good! That means you're nothing like our topic to focus Theodore Robert Bundy.

Theodore Robert Bundy well known as Ted Bundy was born November 24th, 1946, in Burlington Vermont. Bundy was his mother’s secret shame at first due to her being 22 and unwed. After moving in with his grandparents, his grandparents adopted him to conceal the origin of his birth. Moving once again Bundy was introduced to his stepfather. Bundy’s mom soon had many kids with his stepfather. He soon felt unloved from the attention no longer just on him.  Bundy never got along with his stepfather, even though he was adopted by him. Bundy resented his mother for him being “illegitimate” when he found out about his birth.

It is believed that Bundy had killed in his childhood, the victim in question being an eight-year-old named Marie Burr. Bundy was fourteen at the time of her disappearance, he lived a few houses down from the Burr residence. It was believed he was spying on people’s homes that night to take out his violent nature. While in his adulthood, he had different means with his victims.


After his breakup with his college girlfriend Diane Edwards, Bundy decided to target to people who resembled her, which were attractive students with long dark hair. To lure these women to his car he often pretended to be injured.  After he got these poor women into his grip, he would assault them before he took their lives. He would often assault their corpses until he wasn’t able to any longer. It was believed that he might’ve had around one hundred victims while there has been thirty-six that were confirmed.

February of 1980 Bundy married a women named Carole Ann Boone. They had met six years prior when they both worked at the Department of Emergency Services in Olympia, Washington. While in prison (unclear if it was during his trial or while he was waiting on death row) Bundy had bribed a guard to let him and Boone fuck (might change but that is how I would say it in a conversation)have sex. This had resulted in Rose (Bundy’s daughter) to be born in 1982, after Boone had claimed Bundy as the baby daddy. When it came out, Boone was questioned her claim due to Bundy not allowed visits of the sort (it soon came out he bribed the guard). After realizing Bundy was in fact guilty Boone immediately divorced him. There is limited knowledge of Boone and her daughter due to privacy reasons.

Now on to his execution, which was January 24th, 1989, at 7am in the Florida State Prison. He died to an electric chair known as “Old Sparky” which is one of my favourite things from this case. His death was celebrated, people brought frying pans to bang them together as they chanted “burn Bundy burn”. I absolutely love the disrespect people had shown pulling that stunt, honestly it was valid. His last words were “I’d like you to give my love to my family and friends” but honestly what friends? This monster wanted his ashes scattered in the Cascade Mountains of Washington state where he killed four of his victims.

I don’t get how there are still girls thirsting after this man, dude seriously lost to a chair called Old Sparky.


R.Solitaro is the author of this post, they like anything spooky and gruesome. Sometimes, in the dark of night you might be able to see them in your window. Welcome to the Chaos that is R.Solitairo.

The Anishinaabe Purgatory

A sketch of a Wendigo hunting in the woods

As an Indigenous person myself, the Anishinaabe legend of “Wendigo” has always sent shivers down my spine. From what I remember and heard, the monsters were fifteen feet tall, thin, and white that resembled moose or a deer, I don’t know, but they definitely had antlers. Its lips were chewed or just entirely missing because they ate them. They also have a foul stench, and their hearts are ice-cold.

Wendigos are believed to have very sharp senses and superior strength and speed to stalk and overpower their victims. A shaman, who are medicine man who has access to and influence in the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits. They are also able to enter into a trance state during a ritual and practice divination and healing. Shamans may be the only ones to destroy Wendigos using either a silver, steel, or iron bullet or a dagger. Worse comes to worse, the hearts of Wendigos may have to be cut out and burned.

The first known mention of the appearance of Wendigo was in 1636 by Paul Le Jeune, who was a French Jesuit who lived among the Algonquin people. It is said it possesses humans by invoking feelings of insatiable greed or hunger, the desire to cannibalize other humans, and the propensity to commit murder in those that fall under its influence. Pretty sick if you ask me. The Wendigo, apparently, is spelled in multiple ways which I find, kind of unsettling for some reason. Click here to view the alternate spellings. The names have a rough meaning of “the evil spirit that devours mankind.”

The Wendigos are strongly associated with the cold, which is why they were only ever seen during the wintertime. The north was paradise for the monsters. The Ojibwe, Saulteaux, the Cree, the Naskapi, and the Innu territories were unsafe. The Hunters and campers had claimed that the creatures could only be seen up very close because they were so thin that they couldn’t be seen from the side. Roughly during the 1860s, many hunters who have disappeared over the years were said to be victims of The Wendigos.

A Wendigo finding its prey which are hunters and/or campers that are around a campfire.

These days, Wendigo has given its name to a form of psychosis which is called “Wendigo Psychosis,” and is described as a culture-bound syndrome. These symptoms include an intense craving for human flesh and an intense fear of becoming a cannibal. Other symptoms such as insatiable greed and destruction of the environment are also thought to be of Wendigo Psychosis in some First-Nation communities.

A Wendigo was known to be last sighted in the 1980s.

During my first years of high school, the story was spoken about a lot. I knew that saying its name wasn’t recommended, and my friends would refer to the Wendigo as “the double-u word” to avoid negative energy if you said its name out loud and could potentially be haunted by it in your dreams. This is when the sage burning needs to do its thing.

Believe me when I say this, writing this was not easy and it was very unsettling as a Cree Algonquin. I may sleep with the lights on for the next couple of nights.

Greetings! my name is Emily-Ann Petawabano. I am twenty years old, and this is currently my second year of college. I am a 9 hour drive from my homelands, and I miss it but I love it here. I absolutely love drinking coffee and eating ramen. I also love being in the comfort of my own home with my roommate who is also my first cousin. Going to the gym is also something I enjoy doing very much, late night workouts are my favourite.

The Disappearance of Theadosia Burr

AARON BURR 1756-1836

Most people hear the name Theadosia Burr and think of the song “Dear Theadosia” from Hamilton. At least, if you’re me, you do. Did you know about her mysterious disappearance? I bet you didn’t because Lynn Manuel did not put that in the musical. On her way to see her father, Theadosia was lost at sea, but many historians’ debates about how she died. Some say it was a storm, while others say it was pirates. As for what I believe, I think it was pirates. Come on, the daughter of a prominent American political figure, that’s got to be worth a healthy ransom. Or at the very least, a good story to tell your other pirate friends.


Her death shouldn’t be all she’s known for. She was a very highly educated woman during her time that she was alive. Theadosia spoke 4 languages. French, English, Greek and Latin. This being very rare for a woman at the time. From the letters between her and her father, Aaron Burr, the former Vice President of the United States, you can clearly see her intelligence and tenacity. Theodosia Burr was loyal to a fault. She attempted to get her father back after being exiled to Europe for killing Alexander Hamilton. Theadosia even supported him in scheming to create his own country. Don’t ask! I mean, seriously, I could write a whole different blog post about what Burr did after he killed Hamilton. But really, who has the time for thar? You can’t really blame her though; Burr basically molded her into a mini version of himself. Poor woman. I can’t help feeling back for Burr though, losing his only child. At least when Hamilton’s son died, he had 7 other children to keep him company.

The fact that people don’t know more about Theadosia is quite frankly, astounding given how highly intelligent she was. Given how popular the musical “Hamilton” is, you would think people would know more about her. Unfortunately, people don’t know too much about her. Women in history often get forgotten, with history having its eyes mostly focused on men. That needs to change! Theadosia Burr was a very impressive woman! People need to make more of an effort to learn more about Theadosia Burr’s history. That is to say, the women of history often get overlooked. You could write a whole musical about Theadosia’s life alone. Would it sell as many tickets a Hamilton or win as many Tony’s? No probably not. But would you still watch it? Ya, you would... even if Lynn Walsh doesn’t write it.  

I hope that this blog inspires you to learn more about Theadosia, and other women in history. Hey, if you’re going to the Hamilton route, might I recommend The Tragedy of Angelica Hamilton.

Hi, I’m Amy Claire Lawford. I am a Professional Writing student at Algonquin College. I am the resident disabled history buff. History in high school was rather boring, all they talked about was WW1 and WW2. Let’s be honest though, the interesting side of history is the dark side. I can’t wait to show you all the dark and twisted things, that I have in store for you. Brace yourselves. Let’s hope that you don’t get nightmares.

The Canadian Origins Of Satanic Panic

Part Two: Michelle Lied

By the mid 1990s, the fires of the Satanic Panic were cooling, but irreparable damage had been done. The scope of the harm is hard to put into exact numbers, but there had been tens of thousands of accusations globally. Each time a child spoke out about alleged satanic ritual abuse, the lives of the accused were torn apart, and most were left without recourse. After years in prison, some of the convicted had their charges overturned, but their lives would never return to how they once were.

Image courtesy of latercera

What about the couple that started it all? Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder set the Satanic Panic ablaze across the world with their grisly book about satanic ritual abuse Smith suffered as a child in her hometown of Victoria, B.C. Some of her claims were accusations that could be easily fact-checked. She claimed the satanic cult members who abused her were all initiated into the cult by cutting off a finger. A simple look around town for the fingerless folks could have been corroborated by any investigator. She claimed to have witnessed at least two murderers, and the dismemberment of six stillborn infants. Yet, there was no evidence of missing persons matching the descriptions Smith provided. No horrified post-partum women searching for their missing infants, either. Interviews conducted decades later found Smith was in school during times she alleged the abuse occurred.

How did she come to recover these memories in the first place? It was her psychiatrist (and eventual husband) Dr. Lawrence Pazder who pulled the memories out of her. She had been seeing him for a few years, but her mental health worsened after a miscarriage sparked nightmares. There weren’t many boundaries between doctor and patient. They eventually divorced their spouses and married each other. Across their media blitz, no one seemed to publicly question the ethics of a male psychiatrist marrying his younger female patient.

At the height of the panic, FBI agent Ken Lanning was assigned to investigate satanic ritual abuse. He attended one of the many talks Dr. Pazder gave to law enforcement. He noticed while Michelle’s abuse was widely discussed, she never spoke for herself. On one occasion, Lanning raised his hand and said, “when people ask, all this happened to Michelle; how come she doesn’t give the answer, she just turns to you?” Pazder gave a weak answer about how the recovered memories were still difficult for her to recall—something that didn’t prevent her from recounting them vividly for daytime talk shows.

Both the families of Pazder and Smith suffered in their own ways. Smith’s mother, who was at the centre of many of the abuse allegations, died years before the book came out. Her estranged father denounced her claims. Charyl, Smith’s sister, was equally horrified and vehemently denied the claims. She believes Michelle had a reason for lying: “she wanted Larry as her husband.”

Michelle Smith is pictured against a bright red background.

Image courtesy of CBC

For Pazder’s ex-wife and daughter, their family was torn apart in other ways. “To us she was this stalker,” said Theresa, Pazder’s daughter with his first wife, Marylyn. Marylyn remembers Smith calling the house at all hours, always demanding to speak with Pazder. The longer he worked with Michelle, the more obsessed her became. He clearly saw himself as her saviour. In the book, Pazder describes himself as “lithe and athletic” and “warm, manly, soft-spoken.” The Smith family home was within walking distance from Pazder’s office. He never tried speaking with any of her surviving family members when the repressed memories surfaced, nor did he report anything to the local police.

Even after all the chaos, it seems the couple was allowed to disappear into relatively normal life once the panic began to lull. Their very successful lies had not yet been called into question, and it seems to this day, they were never truly held responsible for the damage they caused. When people were sent to jail, when court cases eventually fell apart, Smith nor Pazder were called to account for their role in the panic. There were plenty of lawsuits. Falsely accused satanic abusers sued the systems that failed them, often for millions of dollars--but the infamous pair who incited the panic were never called out directly in connection.

Pazder was paid a $342,000 USD advance for the book, which is the equivalent to more than 1.2 million dollars CAD in 2023. It’s unknown how much he collected in consulting fees, or any payment for the countless television and radio appearances. Dr. Lawrence Pazder died in 2004. Michelle Smith is still alive. She declines to participate in any interview requests from the media. Today, she reportedly lives in Victoria, B.C., where she claims the abuse began.

My name is Angie Mosher (she/her) and I'm a Professional Writing student at Algonquin College. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from UBC, and when I’m not writing, I’m playing video games, hanging out with my cats, or getting a new tattoo. I’m originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, but have been living in Ottawa since 2017. I like shining a light on things otherwise left to rot in the corner. Let’s kick up some dust.

I Put a Spell on You: The Salem Witch Trials

'“Double, double, toil and trouble.” Witches have appeared in popular media since 1606 in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, but they have been a fearsome part of human myth since the early 1300s. Witches have long been associated with women who were in cahoots with the devil, using magical powers to cause others to exhibit strange and harmful behaviours. In Salem, Massachusetts, the idea of these witches' supposed supernatural abilities lead to the deaths of over 20 women. Hundreds more were accused. 

The beginning of the Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692, when three children began to have fits; this included screaming and making unusual sounds, to contorting their bodies in weird ways. Soon, many other girls in the community began to experience the same fits, and the local doctor diagnosed them with “bewitchment”. The original girls blamed three women for their afflictions, and thus the trials began. 

The accused women were brought in. Though two denied their part in the children’s uncontrollable outbursts, the third confessed. She confessed that she had spoken to the devil, who asked her to sign his book. She admitted to signing, and claimed there were others working with him to destroy Puritans. Though her actions were most likely to save herself, her confession sparked hysteria in their community and many other women and even children in Salem were accused. 

Black & White recreation of a trial for an accused witch. A woman stands behind a podium with her arms up. A lightning-like mist comes through the small window. Court members look on in horror, with one man having fallen to the floor.

An accused Witch in court (“The Witch no.1” Joseph E. Baker, 1892 via Library of Congress)

As more of the accused “witches” began to confess and name others, the trials overwhelmed Salem and a special court was formed. The first brought in front of the court was a woman named Bridget Bishop. Bishop was accused of using her powers to kill her second husband. As time went on, over 10 residents of Salem gave evidence of Bishop’s bewitchment on themselves, their families and even animals. Despite stating her own innocence, Bishop was found guilty and was killed on June 10th, 1692, marking the first of many deaths. 

A woman is standing in a cart looking solemn as guards wrap ropes around her waist and begin to put a noose around her neck. Onlookers watch as guards hold them back.

“Execution of Bridget Bishop" at Salem, 1692” illustration by Joseph Boggs Beale (1885)

As months rolled on, many more people appeared in front of the court and were sentenced to death. Five in July, five in August, and eight in September. Even men were not safe from being accused, with one man, Giles Corey, being pressed to death with large stones for refusing to submit to a trial. While myths of women being burned at the stake are prevalent even now, this was not a practice that made its way to America. Instead, the women were hanged. Nineteen women and men were hanged, and at least five of the accused died in custody. 

There were increased cries for the court not to use “Spectral Evidence” (including dreams and visions) as proof of these women’s crimes. When the Governor, William Phips’ own wife was accused, he dissolved the court and replaced it with the Superior Court of Judicature. This put an end to spectral evidence and eventually led to the condemnation of only 3 of 56 defendants. 

As years went on, many of those who took part in the trials began to confess guilt over their involvement. This included trial judges and accusers. In 1711, a bill was passed to restore the names of those who were accused. In 1957, Massachusetts formally apologized to all but one accused woman, Elizabeth Johnson Jr. Though the reasons remain unclear as to why Johnson was not named in the resolution, she was eventually given an official pardon in 2022 due to the lobbying of an eighth-grade class from Massachusetts!

While the Salem Witch Trials were mostly driven by paranoia and religious extremism, the actions that were brought upon by the witch hunt have remained prevalent in popular culture for decades. While we enjoy the spooky imagery and exciting re-imaginings of witches in our media, the injustice that these women and men experienced show just how dark human history really is.


The Witchcraft Trial of Bridget Bishop - History of Massachusetts Blog

Salem Witch Trials - Victims, Dates & Facts | HISTORY

Witchcraft: Eight Myths and Misconceptions | English Heritage (

A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials | History| Smithsonian Magazine

This Eighth-Grade Class Wants to Clear the Name of an Accused Salem 'Witch' | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

My name is Rebecca Skye Nicholson. I went to Carleton University for Psychology. I always had a passion for writing, and after graduating from University I felt like I needed to pursue what was important to me. I applied to the Algonquin Professional Writing Program for a chance to express myself in the best medium I know.

I have an interest in dark and twisted media. I’m also an avid feminist and I love reading about conspiracy theories. For my blog posts, I’ve decided to pick topics that fit into those three categories.

A Premature Burial with a Happy Ending

In my books, being buried alive, in other words, premature burial, is one of the worst ways to go. It’s one big nightmare to think about. This doesn’t happen often these days, but it has happened many times before. More than you can think of. Here is the Angelo Hays story.

During ancient times, it was difficult to determine whether someone was really dead or not. Doctors would just hastily presume one dead and then bury them. There were little to no tests.

In 1937, Angelo Hays was a nineteen-year-old who was in love with his motorcycle, and safety wasn’t always at the top of his head. On September 1st, 1937, he had gone for a ride on his motorcycle and was speeding through the streets of St. Quentin de Chalais and had crashed into a brick wall headfirst. Fatal. He was presumed “dead” at the sight of the crash. But the accident caused his system to shut down temporarily which made him look lifeless. His face was so deformed that a closed casket was recommended, this means that his parents didn’t get to have one final look at their son before burial. Three days after the accident, he was six feet underground.  

In a more decent way, let’s say he was “sleeping” for two days underground. But let me tell you this, this man survived.

After an investigation to the case, they found that Hays had a life insurance policy. Hays’ father had taken out a $200,000 death policy two weeks before the crash. This left the investigators with confusion. Insurance investigators wanted a full autopsy, toxicology, and an investigators report. But there was absolutely nothing.

 Angelo Hays was buried in hastiness.

With further investigation, it started to look less like an accident. Hays was dug up from the ground two days after the funeral because of an investigation directed by a local insurance company and to their absolute surprise, his body was still warm. His body put itself in a very deep coma and only needed a tiny bit of oxygen to preserve his system.

After surviving his accident AND being buried alive, he got proper medical care and made a full recovery. When he made his full recovery, he had this crazy idea of inventing a special coffin just in case another person gets hastily buried and for them to signify for help.

He invented a security coffin that could sustain human life. The coffin had a radio transmitter and a chemical toilet, it also reported to hold a “small oven, a refrigerator, and a hi-fi cassette player”. In 1974, he had demonstrated at a fair in Saint-Aulaye, France and survived thirty hours underground and another two days buried at the “Festival des Records et Inventions” in Aubigny, France in 1984. He became a small French celebrity after his inventions made several appearances on TV.

Hays lived a long, prosperous life before he died at ninety years old on January 12, 2008. This tragedy became a miracle within a week. This story is a reminder that a helmet is always required upon driving anything else other than a car. Its crazy to think that this led Angelo Hays to be buried alive.

Greetings! my name is Emily-Ann Petawabano. I am twenty years old, and this is currently my second year of college. I am a 9 hour drive from my homelands, and I miss it but I love it here. I absolutely love drinking coffee and eating ramen. I also love being in the comfort of my own home with my roommate who is also my first cousin. Going to the gym is also something I enjoy doing very much, late night workouts are my favourite.

The Haunting History of the Crescent Hotel

In modern times, the Crescent Hotel is known for its haunted nature. From the first opening to the hospital days. There is a lot to unpack in this rich history, ready to dive in?


The crescent hotel was built in 1886 in Eureka Springs Arkansas. During the beginning of this building being occupied, it was used for the intended purpose of being a hotel. During the construction of the hotel and during its years of operation there have been two spirits to come about, a 17-year-old Irish stoneman and a ginger cat.


While the hotel was under construction, Micheal (the 17-year-old stoneman) had fallen to his death while building the hotel. The cause of the fall being him doing a little dance for a woman to get her attention, he ended up falling and hitting a beam located in room 218. He usually targets women with his hauntings.


During the operations of the hotel, the staff had deemed a ginger cat named Morris as the general manager. The guests absolutely loved Morris (who couldn’t). There was a little cat door installed so he could roam the grounds as he pleased.  When he passed away at the age of 21 many were upset about the news. The funeral had a giant amount of attendance to pay respects to Morris. There was a guest who decided to write a poem in honor of Morris that goes “In memory of Morris, the resident cat at The Crescent Hotel. He filled his position exceedingly well. The General Manager title he wore, was printed right there on his own office door. He acted as greeter and sometimes as guide. Whatever his duties, he did them with pride. He chose his own hours and set his own pace, The guests were impressed with his manners and grace. Upstairs and down, he kept everything nice. They might have had ghosts, but they never had mice.”


However, when the ownership switched hands the purpose of the building also switched. On September 23rd, 1908, Crescent college and Conservatory for Young Women was opened. The college was open from September to June, while during the summer it was used for hotel operations. Due to lack of funding, the college was closed in 1924. During 1930 to 1934 Crescent junior college was open for operation, it was known for its high standards and Christian atmosphere.


In the late 1930s a man named Norman Baker took ownership of the property. Baker claimed to be able to cure cancer without radiation or surgeries. Baker was no doctor, rather, he was known as a radiobroadcaster. Baker had named his hospital “Baker’s Cancer Curing Hospital” which was a complete lie for a major cash grab. Baker’s base to cure cancer was fresh air, healthy food, and exercise, he also had an elixir that was made mainly with alcohol and watermelon. Many of Baker’s patients had passed away from their cancer. This didn’t stop Baker from harvesting body fat from his patients in jars. These jars were later found in 2017.  


In 1940, Baker was arrested for fraud and impersonation (although with his riches he was able to bail himself out). His friend, however, took over after his trial until they eventually gave the ownership to a group of Chicago-based businessmen six years later.


During the “Baker’s Cancer Curing Hospital” era, there was a lady thought to be the head nurse who ended up passing away where she worked from cancer. Her name was Theodora, after passing away since the “cure” never worked her spirit eventually haunts room 419. She can be seen fumbling with her keys outside of the room and in known to tidy up after guests.


The ownership of the hotel was always changing until 1997 when a couple took ownership. The couple, Marty and Elise Roenigk, had tried to reserve the building as much as possible. As it stands now, the hotel is thriving with tourists coming to see what they can catch for themselves with the hauntings. There is still a cat as a general manager, well it is two this time their names are Casper and Jasper.  


While there has been a lot to happen within the wall of the Crescent Hotel and there is still a lot to happen.  All we have now is the ability to wait and see what the hotel has to transform into in the future and how it will shape us as a whole.


R.Solitaro is the author of this post, they like anything spooky and gruesome. Sometimes, in the dark of night you might be able to see them in your window. Welcome to the Chaos that is R.Solitairo.