/When thinking of fictional universes, the stories of all worlds are stone. Some fan fiction depicting an alternative ending exists, but most of the time it simply does not match the same quality of writing and creative input as source material.
There are very few ways for ordinary people to experience or affect the story of the world without being the scriptwriter; one of the tools that allow any individual to control the story is a game, often referred to as a random story generator, Rimworld.
Rimworld is a game which has several starting scenarios, but the one will try is “crashlanded”. In the mentioned scenario, three randomly generated characters must evacuate a destroyed spaceship. They board the escape pods and land on the closest hospitable planet. As they land with what little resources and weaponry they managed to grab from the ship, their goal Is to survive and find a way to escape this prison of a planet.
The characters have unique personalities, traits, skills, passions, and relations with their acquaintances. Some may enter relationships or become rivals. Characters often experience mental breakdowns, and it impacts how your story moves forward.
Screenshot of a forest the characters might land in.
You may decide to settle and begin building a town or remain nomadic and travel around the planet as a caravan. If settled, the neighbouring villages will eventually acknowledge your existence and begin sending either trading caravans or raiders to kidnap your people to be then enslaved or murdered.
Screenshot of the battlefield.
Screenshot of the aftermaths of a raid.
The world is full of random events as well, one day a huge space battle between multiple starships might occur and chunks of metal begin raining down on your town, another day a dozen tamed dogs may join your community and eat your entire food supply out of the fridge you forgot to close.
Every single game is unique and generates many emotions that both the characters and the player take close to heart. After spending days of real-time observing your character develop, grow as a person, get better at the skills they are passionate about, and get shot in the leg and watch the light slowly leave their eyes from a deadly infection that nobody was able to treat is devastating.
In one of my playthroughs, one of my dogs became an alcoholic and drank all the beer inside our fridge which caused our colonist, another alcoholic, to enter a mental breakdown and while breaking things down they set the farm on fire. Everyone had to abandon their jobs to protect our harvest from getting destroyed but failed nonetheless and we were left with no food for the winter. The colony was forced to look for alternative ways of gathering food which developed the story and solidified relationships between the colonists.
At the start of the game, you get to choose a storyteller and you, as the player, must then fight that storyteller’s tricks. One of them will make the story flow like a marvel movie with nonfatal difficulties at the beginning and a huge devastating battle at the end. Another storyteller called Randy makes your stories feel realistic by not having a set increase in difficulty and completely randomizing story generation. One day you get attacked by a huge hungry bear, another day a bunch of weed lands on the roof of your house causing head trauma to one of the characters.
The beauty of the game is in how unpredictable it is. The difference between Rimworld and any show, movie, or book is that after reviewing the content there’s nothing new to get back to since the story is not going to change. Rimworld offers infinite stories that the player is able to live through, giving you hundreds if not thousands of hours to spend in the world of the game.
Written by Maddie Tim Fox
I’m a content creator, artist, screenwriter, and a huge fan of electronics. Reviewing content such as shows, movies, and games is a hobby I adore and cannot share more with you.