You haven't heard the last of me

missed chances…

This is my last blog post. I’ve had such a good time writing them. So much so that I’m considering keeping a blog next spring, as I travel west across Canada to my new home in Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC.

I wanted to find a fitting way to wrap up, and after much thought decided to write about missed chances.

There have been a few missed chances in my life. Now don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to change anything. My life is a full, good life. Filled with three grown children who continue to amaze me with their humanity. A grand-daughter who I get the pure joy of watching grow up, and the unbelievable luck of being surrounded by family and friends who overflow with kindness and support.

But every once in a while, when it’s quiet, and you allow your mind to rest, thoughts of what-if pop into your head.

At the age of 17, I was invited to go on tour with a singing group. Nothing big, but the tour was to different places around the world. And I declined because of fear–scared that I wasn’t good enough, and of the new places we would travel to.

At the age of 20, my two older sisters tried to convince me to go into nursing, assuring me I would be a great nurse. And I declined because of fear–scared that I wasn’t smart enough to learn the sciences.

At the age of 35, I was offered the chance to take my customer service and sales skills to a different company. A new company, with advancement and financial rewards. I declined because of fear–scared that I wasn’t “corporate” enough.

But, at the age of 54, I was given the opportunity by my children to go to college and study writing. Something they knew I had loved forever.  Now we’re talking fear. Oh, was I scared. Moving to a new city, not bringing in a paycheque, and being surrounded by young, intelligent kids. I would have to retrain my brain to think and learn. The worst was not knowing anything, when for the last  12 years, I had been in a job where I was the one who knew everything. I was terrified.

But this time, it was different. This time I didn’t decline. And look what’s happened. I’m writing…everything. Not just short stories, but essays, blogs, research papers, and business writing. Still writing awful poetry, but I’m not a poet, and it's ok, I know it! (ha ha )

And I’ve met some stunningly superb writers wrapped in the bodies of wonderfully funny, intelligent and sweet people.

So go on, tell fear to shut it and take the chance!

Peggy Sands

Decades of working in a variety of fields led to a pursuit of a writer’s life. Peggy has a knack for writing cover copy for romance novels and a love of vintage VW’s. With her eye on the Golden Pie Server trophy her spare time is spent training for the family’s annual Pie baking competition. Last year she placed third...there were three entries.

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