Well Hello There!
/This blog, or at least the idea of it, was created in one of those last-second, what-the-living-hell-do-I-write-about? moments. Just one of my crafty (I think I'm giving myself too much credit here) ways to weave my everyday life into school work. Two birds with one stone. But it turned into something more meaningful than that.
Not to whip out a Halle Berry Oscar speech, but my father is the reason I am who I am today. "The apple does not fall too far from the tree" is an eloquent way of saying I've become the sarcastic, cranky shite behind this rather ridiculous blog. Biology aside, and not to dramatically admit I’d be dead, or a meth head, or a drug lord if… you get the point; without him the person I am at this moment would not exist. I cherish that fact, even if the result is less than glamorous.
I can’t say our musings serve a greater purpose, or that they ever will. I will say that our conversations, like those I will record here, have salvaged my sanity. Or at least serve for a good laugh.
My hope is that a scrap of this might turn some lights on for all you fine people; that maybe through reading this, a moment of your life can look manageable, simple even. We’re not claiming to be knowledgeable, or to have all the answers. All we have is our thoughts, and if they make you at least think about your own answers to life, we've done what we've set out to do.
To raise a red flag that might deter or inspire you to follow along: My father, Tony, is a self-described simple man, living his life through film and music. Mix in a dash of bluntness, a pinch of vulgarity, and a crap-shoot of sarcasm and that's my dad, Anthony R. Myers.
Now take all that and apply it to your average 21-year-old girl… that's Sara A. Myers (oh dear that’s me D:)
A real gem right? (Said no one ever.)
It gets better, I promise. If not, complain in the comment box. Maybe I’ll look into it.
I probably won’t.
Sara Myers
Sara Myers is an aspiring writer struggling to be a productive member of society. Born and raised in Ottawa, she has spent many summers in Nova Scotia with the rest of her oddball family. Which, as you will soon discover, explains a lot.
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